He finds out about your self-harming.

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🚫*trigger warning*: If you are triggered by stuff like this, please don't read! I struggle with it too and I would absolutely hate this to be the cause of someone hurting themselves. IF YOU EVER NEED TO TALK, MESSAGE ME AND I'LL TALK TO YOU. EVEN IF IT'S LATE AT NIGHT! 🚫

Love you, stay beautiful! ❤️

Dean: 'Stupid, no good, lazy, crappy hunter, selfish, bad girlfriend.' These vicious thoughts run through your head as you hold the lighter up to your forearm and let it burn your skin. You bite your lip as to not make any noise, but you hold the lighter there for too long and you let out a pain-filled squeak.

"Babe, you okay?" Dean asks trying to open the door, but it's locked. "Lauren, please open the door." You refuse to open the door. "Please, baby. If there's something wrong let me help you." He sounds heartbroken. You finally give yo and open the door.

The sight you see breaks your heart. Dean looks like he might cry. You pull him into a hug and when you pull away he looks at your arm. "Oh.. my-" you cut him off before he can finish, "please don't hate me. I'm sorry, Dean. I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me." You plead and begin to cry into your hands. Dean puts his fingers under your chin and tilts your head up so you'll look at him.

"Of course I'll never hate you. I love you sweetheart." He kisses your forehead then takes the lighter and helps you bandage your arm.

Sam: You are sitting in the bathtub watching your blood drip off your thighs and down the drain. You had opened up almost all of your old scars. "Lauren, are you okay? You've been in there for a long time." Sam says trying to open the door but it's locked.

"Lauren? Baby, please open the door." He pleads to you. You give in and go open the door. "Lauren..." Sam says softly as tears stream down both of your faces. Sam pulls you into a gentle hug, not caring about the blood that is staining his pants.

"Just remember, I'm always here for you. Don't ever forget that. Please." Sam says, softly kissing your hair. When you pull away he gently places you on the counter and wraps gauze around your thighs. He then cleans up the blood and quickly goes to change pants. When he comes back be gently picks you up and carries you to your shared room. You two spend the rest of the day wrapped in each other's arms while Sam whispers sweet nothings into your ear.

Castiel can tell your thoughts so he stops you before you can do anything to harm yourself.

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