Your first date with Cas

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"Lauren, Cas is here!!" You hear Dean shout from the living room. You pull on your red pumps that gave been paired with your curve hugging, knee length dress, which also has long sleeves.

Your long hair is pulled into an elegant side bun with a few loose strands. When you emerge into the living room Cas takes one look at you and falls backwards into Sam's arms.

Sam shoves him towards you and catches his balance before he falls. "You look beautiful." Cas says kissing your hand. This makes you blush wildly.

"Alright Cas, have her home no later than 11 pm. You here me?" Dean says sternly while he cleans his angel blade.

Sam just rolls his eyes as he types away in his computer. "You kids have fun." He says smiling. Cas then takes your hand and leads you out the door.

Within seconds Cas has zapped the two of you to your favorite restaurant. You hug Cas tightly. "Thank you! You're the best!" He blushes and says, "Anything for my favorite human female." He says winking.

That night will go down in your heart as the best night ever!

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