Thrown to 2020

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"Dean! Sam! Where are you guys?" You call for the brothers as you walk through a seemingly abandoned town.

When you take a turn down an alley you come across an injured child. "Hey sweetie, are you okay?" You ask the child while kneeling next to it. Then something catches your eye on the far wall...the word CROATOAN. You back away from the child right as it lunges as you ferociously. You quickly get away from the child only to run into more infected people.

You take off running with at least twenty people on your tail, until you run into military personnel armed with fully automatic weapons and three tanks. You duck under a fence right as they open fire on the crowd.

Pretty soon you're in the woods and you come across the impala. "Okay, this isn't right. Dean would never let this happen to his car." You say now very worried while you peak around for clues. When out if nowhere you are hit in the back of the head and everything goes black.

When you wake up you're laying on a twin size bed in what seems to be a cabin. You look over and see Dean, relief floods over you as you run over and embrace him in a hug. He stiffens up and gently pulls away from you. Disappointment fills you but you try to ignore it.

"Dean, what's going on? Are you okay?" You ask him while trying not to cry. He looks at you softly and wipes away some tears that manage to slip out of his eyes.

"This isn't real. You aren't supposed to be here." He says quietly while fiddling with a necklace around his neck. When you look closer you see that it's the locket your mom gave you before she died.

"What do you mean?" You ask carefully, not entirely sure you want to know the answer. "Because, you died three years ago." He looks up at you with fresh tears in his eyes and you start to feel black spots cloud your vision. Dean catches you before you fall and the two of you sit on the ground crying and holding each other.

"How did it happen?" You ask after you and Dean finish crying. "It was only two years after the Croatoan virus hit and we found shelter at this abandoned camp. We decided to make a run into town for some supplies, and you wanted to split up in a drug store to save time. I was getting some gauze wrap when I heard you scream. When I found you an infected woman had bitten your neck. I shot her and carried you back here. I..I had to put you down before the virus could take effect. You told me to, said that you didn't want to be one of them."

He has to stop because he's crying so much. I grab hold of him and he clings to me while sobbing into my shirt.

"Dean, I'm s- who is this?" You and Dean look up from the floor to see Cas in filthy hippie clothing.

"Cas, what do you want?" Dean asks as you both stand up to greet the Angel. "I had a feeling that you were here and I need to send you back. To long in a time that is not your own will ultimately lead to your destruction. In other words you'll cease to exist." Cas tells you. You look at Dean and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Stay safe, you hear me?" You tell him and he nods and kisses your lips. Cas then puts two fingers on your forehead making everything go black.

When you wake up again you're in your bed in the motel room with a cold cloth on your head. You carefully sit up and look over to see Dean and Sam researching.

"Hey guys." You say walking over to them. They look up and smile. "Hey, look who's awake." Dean says while pulling you onto his lap. You smile but it quickly fades. "What's wrong?" Sam asks you.

"You guys will never believe what happened." You start and they look at you waiting for you to continue. "It all started when I woke up in a building..."

Supernatural Imagines, Short Stories, and One ShotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu