It's time

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Warning: Mild swearing

It has officially been 42 weeks and still no baby. Your entire body aches, the baby moves all the time and you still can't see your feet.

Dean tries his best to make sure you're comfortable at all times and stays home with you while Sam and Cas go on hunts.

You are currently doing research on a wendigo in Kentucky when you feel warm hands begin to rub your shoulders. It's Dean. "Hey, princess. What're you lookin up?" He asks looking over your shoulder at Sam's laptop screen.

"Sammy! We have a wendigo!" Dean shouts while going to grab his duffle bag. Suddenly there's a small pain in your stomach but you put it off as Braxton hicks. You rub the spot on your belly that is cramping and it soon releases and you sigh in content.

"Lauren, are you alright?" You look up and see Cas looking at you with a worried look on his face. "Yeah, it's just Braxton hicks." You say and he nods in understanding. He knows what they are because you explained it to him a few weeks ago when they originally started.

Soon Sam and Dean come into the library, duffle bags in hand. Dean comes to you and kisses your hair then your belly. "Are you two gonna be okay alone for awhile?" He asks rubbing your back. "Yeah, we'll be fine. Now go kick some wendigo ass." You say kissing his cheek. He kisses your lips and heads to the impala. Sam gives you a hug and ruffles your hair, Cas gives you a worried look before waving and leaving with the guys.

Pretty soon your phone starts ringing and you see that it's Sam. "Hey Sammy. what's up?" You say walking through the kitchen to grab a snack. "Hey, are you in the library I need you to look something up real quick." You hear the urgency in his voice and hobble as fast as you can into the library. "I am now. What do you need?"

"Look up 16th century wendigo lore and tell me what you find on its night time hunting patterns." He instructs carefully. You hobble to the book shelf and grab a huge, old book. You lay it on the table and quickly look through it.

"Okay, here it is. The wendigo usually prefers to hunt at night because it's senses are heightened 20 times normal. So, what it comes down is you'll want that thing dead before sunset." You tell the younger Winchester.

"Alright, thank you La la. You're the best" Sam says using his nickname for you that he hasn't used in years. "No problem Sam bam. Oh and-" you're cut off by an intense pain shooting through your stomach.

"Lauren, is everything okay?" Sam asks suddenly worried. "Yeah, I just stubbed my toe on the table. No big deal." You say through gritted teeth while holding your belly. "Sam, is she okay? I'm not afraid to turn this car around right now." You hear Dean in the background. "She's okay. Just a stubbed toe on the table." Sam tells his brother. You hear Dean sigh in relief. Sam is about to say bye when another pain rips through your body and you scream out and drop the phone.

"Lauren? Lauren! What's going on?" Sam asks frantically. "That's it! Cas zap to the house I'm turning this car around." Dean yells in the background and the call ends. In seconds Cas is by your side. "What is wrong La la?" He asks helping you sit down.

"The baby is coming!" You say letting out a moan of pain.

Pretty soon you hear the screeching tires of the impala and car doors slam shut. Dean and Sam sprint inside, "Lauren, Cas!" You hear Dean holler. "In the library." Cas responds as you grip his hand when another contraction hits.

The brothers run into the library and Dean takes Cas's place. "Hey, baby. It's okay, I'm here now just breathe." He says soothingly while you grip his hand. "Dean, she needs a hospital." Sam says looking at you with a worried expression.

"You're right. Lauren can you stand?" He asks you. You nod and he helps you stand but you collapse and Dean catches you before you hit the ground. "I'll take that as a no then. Sam, what're we gonna do?" Dean ask desperately.

"We're going to have to help her deliver." Sam says. Dean nods and the two of them carry you into the bathroom. Cas lays out the towels and the boys gently set you down.

Fifty hours later...

You've been in labor for fifty hours in the bunker bathroom and you are miserable. Dean is a mess because you're in so much pain and he can't do anything to help you.

Ten more hours later...

"Dean, it's time to push I feel it." You say griping Dean's hand. He kisses your forehead and sits between your legs as Cas and Sam each hold one of your legs. "Alright, push on your next contraction." Dean says firmly. You do as he says and push really hard for 10 seconds.

"Uh... Sam. What is that?" Dean says mildly freaking out. Sam takes a look then looks at Dean. "It's the butt. The baby is breached. Lauren that means you have to push twice as hard to get the baby out. Now push!" You do as he says and push with every ounce of strength in your body.

"That's my girl, alright do it again!" Dean encourages. You scream as you push the baby from your body. Sweat is rolling down your face but you keep going for what seems like hours until you hear it. The cries of your beautiful baby. You push out the after birth and Dean cuts the cord then lays your beautiful baby girl on your chest.

"Happy birthday baby." You say with happy tears mixing with the sweat on your face. You look at Dean and he's crying too. Along with Sam and Cas. Dean then cleans her up and Sam gets you some of Deans clothes. He helps you put them on then carries you to your room. Sam gently tucks you in and Dean walks in holding your little bundle in a yellow blanket with little giraffes on it.

He hands you your daughter and you cradle her to your chest. Dean smiles down at his two girls and kisses yours then the babies foreheads. "I'm so proud of you Lauren. You did so great and thank you for giving me this beautiful baby." He says then crawling in bed with you and holding his small family close to him.

Sam and Cas soon come in after you finished breast feeding your and Dean's daughter. "So, what're you gonna name her?" Sam asks. You and Dean look at each other and he nods. You look at Sam, smile and say,

"Kennedy James Winchester."

End of pregnancy series.

Supernatural Imagines, Short Stories, and One ShotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu