When did I Agree?

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Vikranth's POV 

I got call from my friend and went out to talk. When I came back my niece(?) is pretending to sleep. She covered her face with blanket holding it tightly. She is terrible at acting.

"I don't know about your career, I would advise you not to choose acting. It's totally out of your league" I said 

She uncovered her face immediately and looked at me in shock

"Nurse said..... my uncle admitted me" she said looking behind me at the door 

"I told them you are my niece to avoid unnecessary questions"

"Thank you for helping me. I was scared it's my uncle " she sighed in relief 

"Are you scared of him? Is he troubling you" I asked

"No" she shouted immediately 

"He would never trouble me, loves me the most in the world. I love him so much" she said with so much adoration 

"Sorry, why are you trying to hide from him?" I asked. I know it's intriguing but I can't help my police brain 

She was silent 

"It's natural not to share personal details with a stranger but young lady believe me, sometimes it's better this way. I know nothing about you, I won't judge. Your burden will be reduced" 

She looked at me for a moment 

"I'm Aishwarya. I graduated from medical school two months back" she said 

"Hi Aishwarya, you are  a doctor? That's why you could perform CPR perfectly! Did you save the little girl from drowning too?" I asked 

"Hmm, her mom was shouting for help. I dragged the kid out as fast as I could but she drank lots of water"

"Good work, I'm proud of you. I was about to perform CPR seeing you exhausted but you revived her" I said 

"Are you a doctor?" She asked 

"I'm retired police officer"

"Wow, I respect police profession" she said sincerely 

"Thank you, do you live here?"

"I'm from Hyderabad, I don't even know why I'm here? Maybe my brain doesn't know where to go right now. I came here one month back leaving my family to start new life. But....." she started to cry

I went to her and sat on bed and patted her head

"Your family will understand, go back home" I said 

"No, I can't go. It's about my uncle. It would break him. I was supposed to marry his son, everything was arranged. I didn't know. The person I love, did this..... He did this..... 

Everyone thought I agreed to the marriage with my uncle's son. I brought shame to my family. In spite of everything, my uncle sent me to the person I love. My dad would have never agreed. 


I was supposed to go home previous afternoon but I got message from Nikhi as soon as I landed in Hyderabad to go to Sagar's house immediately. He is in danger. I went there...... he proposed me... married me which is fake...spent one night with me...

I messaged my family that I would come tomorrow because of some emergency. I had no idea about engagement.

Next morning I went home. Everyone were sitting in the living room with grave faces. As soon as I came into view, my dad started slapping me.

"What's wrong?" I asked 

"I can't believe you are asking why, we gave you everything you asked, more than you asked. Why did you do this? Where were you?" Mom shouted and she too slapped me

My uncle shouted at them and dragged me to my room

I hugged him and cried

"If you didn't want to marry Rehaan, why didn't you tell me Aishu" uncle asked 

"What? Marriage with Rehaan? What are you saying Mama(uncle)?" I asked 

He released me from hug and looked into my eyes

"Yesterday evening was your engagement with Rehaan, you know right? You agreed" he asked 

I looked at him in shock, he was surprised seeing my confusion 

"I swear on you Mama, I have no idea what you are talking. I'm in love with Sagar, want to  marry him with your blessings" I said 

"I will find what happened, don't worry. I'm here" mama said hugging me 

"But Rehaan...." I said not knowing what to say

"Don't worry, stay here. I will talk to others"

Mama left and came back after one hour

"Your dad is not agreeing, he is very angry with you. Don't worry I will make things right. For now it's better you leave, otherwise your dad will blackmail you emotionally and get you marry to Rehaan. Pack your things" mama said 

"What about...."

"Don't worry about anyone. I want your happiness. I will take care of everything" mana said 

Sagar went to Mumbai that afternoon so mama booked my flight to Mumbai. Mama wanted to come along with me but I said no, dad would be furious with mama.

Next morning mama dropped me at the airport. I was expecting Sagar to pick me in Mumbai. He messaged me to come to the hotel,  a big surprise is waiting for me. 

He was not there. A letter was there which broke my heart into zillion pieces 

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