My Decision

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Aishu's POV 

Don't know how I returned home, I went and stood in front of aunty's room. She was packing and uncle is arranging some files. I don't know for how long I stood there. 

"Aishu, why are you standing there? Come inside" uncle said

"I will come later, you are busy" I said

Aunty came to me and took me inside. I sat next to aunty on bed and then laid down with my head in her lap. Aunty caressed my hair gently. 

"How do we know if someone loves or pretend?" I asked

 You can see in their eyes Aishu" aunty said 

"If they hurt us..." 

"Imagine you hurt the person you love... you will feel the pain more than them. That pain and guilt will be seen clearly in eyes" 

I see the pain and guilt in Vishal's and Vicky's eyes. 

I kissed aunty on cheek

"Thank you aunty, let me help you to pack" I said

"It's almost done, don't stress yourself.  You would be tired after long day. We will come downstairs in half an hour, let's have dinner" aunty said

We had dinner and I went to my room after casual talk.  I'm going to miss that from tomorrow 

Tomorrow there is bariatric procedure. This would be my first after I joined residency.  Of course I will be just observing 

I opened book to read but my eyes didn't go beyond first line...vishal's words are repeating in my mind...Vicky loves me genuinely? He became alcoholic, tried to take his life... 

I feel restless.

I called Vicky

"Aishu, are you ok? Did something happen?" He asked 

"I'm fine" 

"Something happened, you wouldn't call me otherwise " he said 


"What happened? Please tell me" He asked 

He wouldn't leave till he gets answer

"Im feeling restless, felt like talking to you" I said 

"I feel bad that you are not peaceful but I'm happy that you want to talk to me" he said 

"What time will  you be here?" 

"Probably by 10am" he said 

"10?" I said sadly. I will be in the hospital, can't see him till evening 

"What is it bothering you Aishu?" He asked 

"I want to talk to you, not on phone, directly. Thought I can talk before going to hospital. Good night, see you tomorrow, bye" I said 

"Ok, bye" 

I will talk to Vicky whatever I'm feeling right now. I'm angry with him for what he did but my life is tied to him, not only mine, my baby's too. What Vishal said is right, two families happiness lies in my decision... Probably three considering Varna's feelings for Rehaan... 

If I tell how Vicky, Nikki and Vishal deceived me... everyone's life will be thrown in chaos. Uncle would arrest them, mama will take me home... they will force Anil to throw Swathi out of his life... Rehaan would never speak to Varna and she will be heartbroken... 

I don't want to think what would happen to aunty and uncle after that..

It's almost 10:30pm. With so much difficulty I started reading...don't know when I slept

I could hear my alarm ring but I don't want to get up right now, I stopped it and slept... I have another alarm in half an hour... I did the same... another in half an hour, that would 6:30am... I have to get up now.

I got up from bed

"You should turn off the alarms when you go to bed late" 

I was startled hearing Vicky's voice 

"You are here? When did you come?" I asked 

"I came around 2am" he said 

"What are you doing in my room at this time?" I asked 

"Where else I would sleep when my wife and baby are here" he said 

"How can you fit your giant body in that small couch?" There is blanket and pillow on couch

"If you want I would sleep next to you" he said smiling 

I rushed to restroom shouting "no"

Vicky was not in his room when I came out. Vicky is in living room drinking coffee with uncle and aunty

I wished them good morning, aunty gave me milk. I feel nauseated and dizzy since I woke up. I rushed to my room clutching my mouth. I thought I don't have morning sickness anymore, maybe lack of sleep and stress took troll on my health.

Vicky came after me and held me while I emptied my stomach. I didn't want him to see me like this. I rinsed my mouth and came out. Aunty and uncle were in my room with worried looks.

"I'm fine aunty, didn't sleep well last night" I said 

"We can't leave you like this..." uncle tried to say but I interrupted 

"Im fine uncle, I promise to take care of my health... eat healthy food and sleep well" I said 

"Dad, you wouldn't take break from work especially when you just joined if it is not important. I will take care of Aishu, if needed I will apply for leave. Finish your work and come" Vicky said 

Vicky don't know uncle and aunty are going to meet Swathi.

"We will go when Aishu's health is better" aunty said 

"Please aunty, I will feel guilty if you don't go. If I need I will immediately call you and you can come back. I'm hungry, let's have breakfast. It's getting late" i said 

We had breakfast 

"I will drop you" Vicky said 

I nodded

I said bye to uncle and aunty and got into Vicky's car

"You don't look good, do you have to go" He asked 

"I just started my residency, can't take off and I need to take break after delivery..." don't know for how long... how can I leave my baby and go? 

"Aishu, I broke your trust, every promise I made to you... I made you's my..." 

"Don't ever say our baby is a mistake. I'm undergoing emotional stress because of pregnancy but I can never blame baby for that. It feels great thinking a life is growing inside me.

It's not your fault. You didn't force me. Never ever say that" I said 

He was silent 

"Vicky, I want honest answer, I don't mind whatever it is"  I said 

He nodded

"Do you love me?"

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