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Aishwarya's POV 


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"How dare you come here? Get out" I shouted 

Rationally speaking I should be slapping him and confront him about his betrayal but I don't want to know, he doesn't deserve even a second in my life.

"why are you here" he asked in fear this time

I pushed him out and closed the door. How could the security let him in?  Am I a coward? Running away from the reality. I should confront him, maybe I should get him punished, that's what uncle and aunt told me. I didn't know where he was before. Right now he is here, uncle would get him punished.

I ran to the door but it was opened before I did. Uncle and aunty walked in with him smiling. He had tensed face.

"Good morning Aishu, this is my son Vikram" aunty introduced 

What? Sagar is their son. His real name is Vikram?

"Vicky, this is Aishwarya, she is very nice girl, lives with us. I wanted to tell you about her but you were too busy" aunty said

"Hi Aishwarya" he said with smile

Of course he is Oscar actor 

"Hi Vikram" I said 

Suddenly I felt very sick and ran to restroom.

"She is not feeling well" I heard aunty say before I entered my room

I emptied my stomach though it's just bile. I felt very sick physically and emotionally. I don't know how to react. How could he be their son?  After sometime aunty came to my room

"Aishu, what happened? Are you sick? Should we go to hospital?" She asked with concern checking my forehead 

"I'm fine aunty, just morning sickness"

"Why are you crying? Is it hurting" aunty asked 

I didn't know I'm crying 

"I'm fine aunty, feeling giddy. I would be better if I sleep for sometime" I lied

Aunty made me lay down and covered me in blanket. She sat next to me caressing my hair. I don't know when sleep took over me.

I woke up around 10am. Did I imagine Sagar here? How could he be Uncle's son. Maybe it's all my imagination. I'm very hungry, brushed my teeth and went downstairs. He is here, really here.... not my imagination. Next to him is Karan. If Sagar is here I shouldn't be surprised to see other traitors too.

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