You both love each other

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Aishwarya's POV 

Vinod gave the schedule and duties for us.

"You get familiarize  with everything here. First few weeks will be ok, after that it would be hard, you hardly find time to sleep or eat. You will be assigned night duties. Three years of residency is hell especially first years. Enjoy these few days" he scared us

"Are you serious Vinod?" Sushanth asked

"Of course, you can't leave the ward, you don't even get to see sun properly. Take sunbath in beach when you find time otherwise you would get vitamin D deficiency" he said seriously 

Vishal came

"Are you scaring first years Dr. Vinod" he said 

"No sir" he said 

"You can go" he said 

"You both are here in one of the most top colleges in India, I believe you both are smart. You should be familiar with Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pathology and Pharmocology like ABCD. You know what I mean, they are basics.

Yes these three years of residency will be hard but you should know becoming doctor is not easy.  It's about saving lives, you should be passionate" he said and left

"Oh god! I won't have a life for three years" Sushanth said sadly 

I smiled

Day went normally, nothing eventful. Aunty gave extra lunch box. Everyone enjoyed it. 

"Do you want me to drop you?" Sushanth asked when it was time

"Thank you, my driver would be coming " i said. Aunty messaged, she would send Chethan(driver)

I came to Parking lot. Vikram was waiting. He looked breathtaking with clean shave... it's not that he was not handsome with beard... he is very handsome always... ni one can take their eyes off him... what am I even thinking? I hate him!

 what am I even thinking? I hate him!

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"How was your day?" He asked 

"Good" I said 

"You don't look like driver" Sushanth said 

What is he doing? Folllowing me?

"Do I look like? Who are you?" Vikram asked angrily 

"He is my batchmate, Sushanth. He is my aunty's son, Vikram" I introduced 

"He is your cousin?" Sushanth asked 

"Of course not, my mom is not her relative. We are family friends" Vikram smirked

"Ok" he said 

"Bye Aish" he said 

"Sushanth, please call me Aishwarya"I said 

Vikram smiled

"You know your name is mouthful" he said 

"Call me Reddy then" I said 

"See you tomorrow Aishwarya, bye Vikram" he left in hurry

"I was expecting Chethan" i said

"I was free" he said 

We got into car

"I don't like this guy" he said 

"You don't like anyone, yesterday you said same thing about Mahesh" i said 

"It's not same, Mahesh is different. This guy is not right" he said

"So you agree Mahesh is good" I said 

He was silent.

Later that evening, Vishal came with Varna. I was so happy to see her

"Do you think you can manage residency in this condition?" Vishal asked when we were alone

"Honestly I don't know, I will try my best. I'm hoping my morning sickness gets better. It was not this bad before" I said 

"Seeing Vicky you are emotionally stressed. Remember no one will hurt you, just think about your health and baby. How far are you?" He asked 

"11 weeks" I said 

"You can't hide your pregnancy for long from Vicky and world" he stated

"I know, I'm mentally preparing myself. You know the hardships of unmarried mother. Vikram has no right on my baby. I don't have to tell him" I said 

"Please tell him, he loves you Aishu. Don't you see his love?" He asked 

"I lost faith in love, he wouldn't have done that if he really loved me" I said

"It's all Nikki's doing, what could he do if Nikki blackmailed to kill her self? He didn't have choice. He really loves you. You have no idea how broken he was" he said 

What? Nikki did this? How can she tell me to use me like that? Even if she tells how could he do

"No matter what Nikki said, if he truly loved me, he wouldn't use me like that" I said angrily 

"I think you both should talk and sort out. You both love each other so much" he said 

"I loved him, not anymore" I said 

"Really Aishu? Why did you stop him from eating Spicy Mirapakaya bajji yesterday? You care for him" he said 

"He was eating to stop me from eating" I defended 

He smiled 

"Even though you deny, your heart knows he cares for you. Things can be sorted by talking. I want you both to be happy. Take care. Let me know if you need anything" he said leaving

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