It's my Fault

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Vikram's POV

Aishu sitting on counter top and me making breakfast was my dream. It really happened today, I'm so happy.

Vishal came and started teasing, Aishu didn't respond which made me worry. She usually lashes out. Is she ok? She was throwing up this morning.

Aishu gave us coffee and went upstairs. She came downstairs dressed in sky blue dress. She looked so beautiful especially in the sun watering the plants. She looked so happy. She is always angry with me after our break up which is understandable but I feel very sad.

"Look at me too, I have been talking to you but you can't take  your eyes and brain from your wife" Vishal said 

"I can't, do you have problem?" I asked 

"I warned you to drop your revenge plan. You can't live without her, I asked you to make up with her. You said, she wouldn't even meet you after what you did... look at the fate, she is here in your home... Even god doesn't want to separate you both...

Please Vicky sort out things soon... " he said 

"I'm trying, she is not ready... she doesn't trust me... I understand her but it's really hurting. She is pushing me away. Mom and dad loves her so much but don't know if they accept knowing who she is...

That is my last worry, Im scared of their reaction if they learn what we did to her. They know what happened in her life.

First Aishu should accept me wholeheartedly.... Don't if she would ever want to be with me... she loves me but I can see hatred in her eyes" I expressed my worries 

"It's ok everything will be fine with time" he consoled

Aishu came inside. I gave her mosambi juice, I remembered mom giving her... 

she got call. 

It's from Rehaan, her cousin.

"You know where I live?" She asked in shock

She went outside, I followed her

She opened the gate and went out. There stood a tall handsome man

She hugged him and cried which made me jealous. 

"I thought you would be happy to see me, not cry" he said

I could see his love

"Im beyond happy Rehaan, these are happy tears" she said

So he is Rehaan! 

"Are you going to make me stand outside" he said smiling

I saw fear in her face. She doesn't want her family to know what happened to her. She is scared Rehaan would know. 

I'm sure he would take her from here immediately if he knew the truth. I too don't want him to know the truth.

"Hi Rehaan, please come inside. Im so happy that you came" I said

Aishu looked at me in shock and then fear

"Nice to meet you..." Rehaan said.. he doesn't know my name!

"Im Vikram" i said giving my hand

"Let's go inside" i said taking Rehaan with me

"He is my friend Vishal.... He is Rehaan, Aishu's cousin" I introduced

Vishal wished pleasantly

"You both talk, I willl make breakfast" I said getting up. I want to give them privacy

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