New Friend

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Aishwarya's POV 

"Why are you here?" I asked

"Who is he?" Vikram asked 

"See you Aishu" Mahesh said leaving 

Why is he calling Aishu, not that I mind

"I am coming with you Mahesh" I said

"Where are you going?" Vikram asked

"This is my college, I have classes" i said

"Oh really! What were you doing with him?" He asked angrily 

"She is my friend, we had lunch and we are on the way to classes. I'm supposed to give her tour of the college" Mahesh said 

"What happened to your HOD, why isn't he giving tour to first years?" Vikram asked

"He is new here, he doesn't know" Mahesh replied 

"Who the hell told you that, he practically lived here for 9 years" Vikram said angrily 

"Mahesh please leave, save your number, I will call when I'm done with him" I said giving my phone to Mahesh

Vikram snatched it

"What's  your problem? Give my phone" I tried controlling my voice 


"Come Mahesh, let's go" I said going

Vikram held my arms tightly 

"Leave me" i shouted in low voice 

"Leave her" Mahesh shouted trying to pull Vikram

"Mahesh please leave" I said controlling my tears

"Leave Aishu now" I heard Vishal voice

He left me

I ran to restroom. Whenever Vikram holds me I feel weak remembering that night and letter. I cried sitting there. I hate myself for being weak.

I washed my face and came out. Three of them were standing glaring at each other

I stood there watching them not knowing what to do

"Aishu, are you ok" Mahesh asked coming to me

"I'm fine" I said

"Mahesh take Aishu with you" Vishal said

"Don't call me Aishu" I warned him

"You are ok when he calls you Aishu" Vikram accused

"None of your business" i said 

"Go to your room Dr. Reddy" Vishal said

"She doesn't look good, I'm taking her home" Vikram said

"How does it concern you! Stay away from me, I will be fine" I said 

"You want me to stay away from you? No I won't, what are you going to do?" Vikram said holding me

"Leave her now" Mahesh warned 

"Mahesh stay out of this" Vishal said

"No sir, you said about being professional in college. Is this what you call professionalism? Your student is being harassed right in front of you by an outsider. I know he is your friend and ACP. That doesn't mean you forget your responsibilities as our HOD.  What would you have done if he is not your friend? Call the police or warn him?

If you can't stand for your student, don't but I can't stand when someone is misbehaving with my friend"

"Come Aishu" Mahesh held my hand and took me from there

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