How did you become Surgeon

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Aishwarya's POV 

Aunty hugged me

"How are you Aishu? Did Vikram make you food?" Aunty asked

"Shanthi was worried leaving you especially when Maria is on leave, so we just wished the couple and returned before marriage" uncle said smiling 

"I'm so happy that Aishu got wonderful in laws" Rehaan said coming towards us

Uncle and aunty looked at me in confusion while I looked them in fear

"He is my cousin Rehaan" I said

"Good to see you young man" uncle said

"She told so much about you, we are happy that you came" aunty said

"We will fresh up and come" aunty said

"Rehaan you go upstairs, I will come" I said

"I'm sorry about it. Rehaan thought I'm living with my in laws and...."

"He thought I'm her husband. Aishu didn't want her family to know the truth we let him think that way" Vikram said

"Ok, you did good job" Uncle said

"It's ok Aishu, lying to save others from pain is not wrong. Don't worry about it" aunty said

"We will fresh up and come" uncle said 

"You must be hungry, I will heat the food" i said

Uncle aunty went to their room

My heart is still racing with tension. Vikram hugged me

"It's ok" he said

"I was scared" I said 

He gave me water and heated the food in microwave and kept on dining table

"Vikram, thank you" I said

He smiled

Everyone came downstairs, aunty and uncle had lunch.

"Food is really good Varna" uncle said 

"Aunty taught me" Varna said 

"Vikram also made and we all helped" Vishal said 

"Credit goes to Varna mostly and to Vikram. Vishal washed vegetables, Aishu cut them. I didn't do anything except giving them what they want" Rehaan said 

"It was fluke that food is good... I'm shocked that Varna can even cook" Vishal said 

"Vishal, you can't even cut vegetables and you are teasing Varna. I'm surprised how you became neurosurgeon when you can't cut vegetables" Rehaan teased Vishal 

We all laughed

"You are her friend that's why siding with her" Vishal complained 

"You knew Rehaan before" uncle asked Varna

"He is my senior in college" Varna said 

"So you are also into construction?" Uncle asked Rehaan

"Yes uncle, I love designing" he said

"Rehaan got international award for best design" Varna said 

"Wow! Congratulations" uncle said 

"Thank you look very familiar uncle but I can't remember where I saw you" Rehaan said 

"Uncle is DG of Mumbai Rehaan... you would have seen him in newspapers when you were here" I said 

"Wow! You are the Vikranth Bhatia? I read so much about you. I'm honored to meet you uncle" Rehaan said excitedly 

"Aishu admires police officers. She used to tell that she would marry a ...." Rehaan said and looked at Vikram. 

"I'm Assistant commissioner of police" Vikram said 

"That's why you married him Aishu? You full filled your wish. I'm so happy" Rehaan said excitedly 

God! Can this get any worse? I need to take him out

"Do you want to see my college?" I asked Rehaan 

"I will see next time. I'm so happy to see your new family" he said 

Why don't you understand Rehaan? 

"I will make tea" aunty said 

"I will make, you take rest aunty" I said getting up but I'm scared inside thinking what they would tal

"I will make snacks" Varna said  

Everyone looked at her in shock

I  started making tea.

I started cutting onions for pakora

Varna looks very happy and is talking about Rehaan. I'm half listening 

"I know you are worried that Rehaan would know the truth and about what aunty and uncle would think about Vikram.... You don't have to worry Aishu" she said 

I nodded but I'm scared 

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