I'm Ready

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Aishwarya's POV 

It's been one month that aunty and uncle went to Newyork. Swathi is very happy to find her family. She is excited that I'm married to her brother. She talks to Vicky regularly. He likes her though he doesn't know she is his sister.

Anil was scared that Neetu/Swathi would hate him since our family was responsible for her to grow up as orphan but she asked him to never think of that. Anil became close to aunty and uncle, he adores them.

My family doesn't know that Swathi found her parents. Anil wanted to tell when they return. He is scared, I can see myself in him. I'm scared too about future, their response when they know who I am!

Vicky is taking care of me like a loving husband. He drops and pick me from hospital everyday, make sure I eat healthy food. I'm having hard time to control my feelings. I love him so much but I'm scared, unable to accept him wholeheartedly. I try not to show my fears but he understands me. 

He sleeps on sofa in my room. I asked him to sleep in his room several times but he doesn't listen. He expects me to ask him to sleep on my bed. I want him, I feel the pull to be in his arms but I'm scared, not ready. That letter is not leaving my mind. 

He is being best husband, loving father, taking care of me and our baby. He gets hurt every time I don't reciprocate his love and gestures but he never complains. I'm hurt to seeing his pain.

Residency is not as hard as I thought, thanks to my wild imagination. Everyone is very supportive except for few. My relationship with Sushanth is surprise to me. After Mahesh and Vishal, he is the one I could rely on. 

Not even a single second I regret forgiving Sushanth. He was there for me, keeping me away from flirty patients though I can handle myself. Once he got into altercation with our professor who is jealous of Vishal. He covets HOD position and Vishal, who is much younger to him got it. 

It's a open secret that he targets me since I'm family to Vishal. He asks me ridiculous questions about the patient's condition to humiliate but I have answers most of the meaningful questions. No one else, not even third years answers to the questions I don't answer so he wouldn't taunt me. I appreciate how much they care for me.

Today he went to the extent of ridiculing that I couldn't wait to get pregnant, I should have waited at least till I complete my residency. Sushanth punched him in front of everyone, all residents and nurses of our department.

I kept quiet all these time respecting his age and his position. He is a good surgeon, I admire him. That day I lost my cool. 

"I'm a doctor sir, can't live with killing an innocent baby like your daughter" i said. His daughter had so many abortions.

He looked at me in shock that I would say that. Everyone knows his daughter is a slut, she is doing MBBS for the past 7 years, still didn't clear 5 papers. 

" I can proudly announce that I'm pregnant, don't have to hide. Why would I regret? I'm pregnant with my husband who loves me so much. I didn't sleep with random guys for pleasure like your daughter who don't even know the father of the child and murder the innocent baby.

I tolerated your behavior respecting your age but you don't deserve. How could you stoop so low. Instead of coveting HOD position, if you had concentrated on your own daughter, she would have been in this room as a resident instead of writing same papers for years and sleeping with random guys.

I pity you Dr. Nathan" 

Everyone looked at me with their mouths wide open. 

I can't believe I insulted my professor in front of everyone, I don't regret it. He totally deserve. But I shouldn't have insulted his daughter. It's not right.

That's not what I'm thinking... I said, 'my husband loves me so much'.

He loves me so much, my heart knows but my mind is not ready to accept. 

I didn't notice Mahesh and Sushanth in front of me, immersed in deep thoughts

"You never seize to surprise me" Mahesh said 

"I don't know what got into me, I shouldn't insulted him like that, bringing his daughter. I feel bad about it" I said 

"He doesn't have any right to insult you especially your personal life. Don't worry you won't see him ever" Sushanth said 

"Do you think he would leave this college because I insulted..."

He turned his gaze away

"What did you do Sushanth?" I asked

"I...complained about his behavior, everyone would give witness" he said 

"Complained to whom?" I asked 

"That's not important" he said 

"To your dad?" 

He scratched his head

His dad likes me so much after I made him realize Sushanth needs his dad's love and time, not money. That's a long story, no time for now.

"This is childish Sushanth. We are not small kids to complain about everything to parents. We are adults, can handle ourselves. And you? You punched him in front of everyone... what if he complains" I asked

"He totally deserve Aishu. Who would give witness to him?" Mahesh said giving high five to Sushanth

Mahesh and Sushanth became close friends in the past few weeks.

I hit my head

"Sushanth, thank you so much"

"It's nothing Aishwarya" he said 

"Can I speak to Mahesh alone?" I asked

He left without any questions. That's what I like in Sushanth

"I'm confused" I said 

He sighed

"Not again Again Aishu" 

He knows what I'm going to ask. I talk about it almost everyday 

"My heart says something and my mind says something, what can I do" I bit my tongue 

"Trust your heart Aishu, mind is just like a robot, doesn't understand feelings, make decisions based on past equations. Vikram loves you so much, your heart knows that. Give him chance, he is dying for you to accept him wholeheartedly"

I nodded

"You nod every time I say this but you listen to your mind. I want both of you, no three of you to be happy. Tonight I'm going to Kurnool, will be back next week. When I return, I should see you erase bitter past and accept Vikram wholeheartedly as husband" he said seriously 

I smiled 

Rest of the day was busy with patients. I was too tired by 7:00pm. Vicky dropped me home and said, he has work, will be home late. He apologized again and again

"Vicky, I will be fine. Don't worry"

"Maria is also not there. She made dinner, eat and go to bed. You look tired. I will be back as soon as I can" he said. He looked tensed

I hugged him. He was surprised 

"Finish your work and come. Me and our baby will be waiting for you. Vicky, I want to talk to you about us..." I said looking into his eyes with smile 

I'm ready. I want to be happy with my Vicky

"Aishu..." he said excitedly 

"Come soon, we will be waiting" 

He kissed me and left

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