383 9 0

May 19
1:34 a.m.


The two watched the movie jumping at the jump scares eating their snacks occasionally sneaking each other's. LaMelo didn't want to seem like a perv but he occasionally looked at her goodies.

"So what should we do next." Mya asked curiously.

"DING DONG DITCHING" LaMelo screamed.

"Shhhhhh dude shut up before we get kicked out"

"Nigga shut up we ain't getting kicked out shit let's go"

"Alright whatever you say" Mya said.

She slipped on her slippers walking out with the tall boy. She felt a bit off because of her tiredness.

Time skip: 2:09 a.m.

"Melo im tired can we go back to the room" Mya said grunting.

"I'm tired too let's go"

They make it up to their room and sit for a while before going to brush their teeth.

"Want to go live" Melo suggested.

"No" Mya said bluntly.


"Because what if the people think we're dating"

"Ok let the people think they're going to think either way"Melo said carelessly.

LaMelo was now live.

"Wassup yall guess who I'm wit" Melo smirked.

"LaMelo stop" Mya whispered.

LaMelo pushed her in the camera.

"hi guys" mya said shyly.

She was reading comments and most of them were that they were either ugly or they were cute. Most of them were ship names and cute comments.

Soon they were both done with their night routines.

"I swear on my life I'm not dating this man" Mya said as she pulled him in the camera.

"Shut up that's why you live in Australia"

"And that's why you live in America"

"You know you should come to America some time" Melo said looking down at the girl.


Taking her hands in his shaking them.

"hey wait LaMelo what if I can't"

"What do you mean can't" LaMelo asked with her hands still in his.

"I have a manager and a mom and a career of my own"

"So what"

"What do you mean so what I have a life too y'know"

"Obviously but we're young and dumb if they say no then you go anyway"

"If I do that then- wait are you still live"

They both turned to his phone and they both gasped.

"Oh shit" Melo said laughing.

LaMelo has ended the live.

"Omg LaMelo I'm going to sleep"

"Stop calling me that"

"Should I sleep on the fold out couch orrrr"

"Nah sleep wit me" Melo said smirking.

"Are you sure"

"Yea I ain't got no problem wit it"


They get under the covers turning away from each other.

LaMelo drifts to sleep first. Mya was having a hard time sleeping so she hopped on her phone for an extra 30 minutes.

In Melos sleep he turns to Mya hugging her waist tightly having a firm grip on her.

"Ugh get off"

He grabs her and puts her on top of him hugging her. She was finally able to go to sleep in his arms.


A/n: we're gonna act like australias hotel rooms were the shit even tho they weren't on the show

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