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May 19
4:22 p.m.

LaMelo pov:

It was almost time for us to leave to the beach. I've gained feelings for Mya. Ashley has been calling and calling me but I've been declining them. I think Mya and I might have something going o-.

"Hey you ready"

"Yea let me use the restroom real quick you can go down to your car send me your address"


She left out the door while I went inside the bathroom and called Ashley.



"Damn stop yelling baby"

"Don't baby me why haven't you been answering me"

"Because Ashley I have to get up train eat sleep shower all that stuff"

"You can't find time to post me either to at least show me you care to at least show me you ain't cheating like come on"

"Listen ash my flight tomorrow ima come see you and I got a surprise for you ight"

I knew I was lying to her and myself.

"Ok daddy" Ashley smirked.

"Ok bye baby love you"

"Bye love you too"

I hung up the phone. Can't believe she just tried guilt tripping me just now.


Melo got in his car and drove to Mya's house. He listened to his favourite artist getting the excitement of seeing Mya's house.

Once he pulled up he thought this was her parents house. He knocked on the door and Mya opened it.

"Hey Melo come in"

He looked around at her beautiful home.

"This all yours"


"You don't live with your parents or nothing" LaMelo asked curiously.

"No why"

"Your 17"

"Well my parents live a block away plus they trust me enough and have cameras everywhere so to sum it up my parents are the best"


Mya chuckled at his remark.

Mya put her bathing suit under her clothes and packed the normal beach stuff you would pack.

Mya put her bathing suit under her clothes and packed the normal beach stuff you would pack

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(The little strings are packed into her bag)

"You following me" Mya asked.


Mya hopped into her Mercedes and LaMelo got in his rented car and followed her.

Then Mya called Melo.

"Hey you want to get food and eat there"

"Ughhhh yesssss" Melo said dramatically.

Time skip 5:32

Once they made it they brought the stuff that they packed down and set a spot.

"It's pretty empty" LaMelo said in questioning tone.

"It usually isn't but it's May and not many people know this is hear soooo"

"Got you"

"So you ready to go swimming"

"Already why can't we eat first"

"Your hungry"

"No but I wanna eat" Melo said whining.

"Well being in water helps you get hungry so let's go" Mya giggled.


Melo walked towards the water and the water touched his toes.


"What!! what!" Mya yelled.


"The water is always cold come on go in with me"

She grabbed his hand and he all of a sudden forgot about the water. He looked down at their hands entangled together walking until the water was up to his knees.

Mya took her hand out of his and began to go deeper.

"Hey where are you going"

"I'm just going behind the rocks come on"

Melo soon got used to the cold water and they had fun. They splashed around and hid behind the rocks.

"Hey you ready to go back. I'm hungry" Mya asked.

"Yea lets go" LaMelo responded.

They swam back to land and ate their food.

Time skip 7:12 p.m.

The 2 packed their things and came back for their towels and talked for a bit.

"You know I leave tonight"

"What really"

"Yea that's why I was stressing you coming with me to the US"

"Why didn't you tell me sooner" Mya asked seriously.


"Aww Melo I'm gonna miss you"

"Ima miss you too"

They hugged for awhile until she looked up at him and he looked at her. They looked at each other's lips and leaned in and their lips attached. This kiss would've lasted longer if Ashley hadn't called Melo.

"Fuck it's Ashley" Melo whispered. But Mya was able to hear it.

"Shit i totally forgot I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I'm gonna go"

"Wait Mya come back"

But she kept walking.


"What fucking took so long for you to answer"

"What do you want ash"

"Dont give me attitude"

"I'm kinda mad right now ash I'm sorry what you calling for"

"What time are you getting on your flight"


"What time do you approximately arrive"

"7 why"

"You'll see when you get here"

"Ok bye baby"


So many things were going on with Melo that the only thing he could do was shed a couple tears. He shook his head and walked back up to the parking lot to find Mya's car missing. He drove back to his hotel and packed up ready to go. He was gonna take a nap but he couldn't sleep with what had happened hours ago.

So enough of Melo. Mya was driving thinking to herself  how she had forgotten he had a girlfriend. It didn't make sense to her. She was so tied into how she would have someone to think about before going to sleep and waking up with a smile. She was never the one to home wreck or be the side chick. But this was a lesson that she had learned was to focus on herself and leave boys alone.



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