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June 18
11:11 a.m.


The two have not spoken since that day and this made Mya think he chose ana over her and she honestly feels bad for making him do such a thing.

She decided to take pictures to take her mind off things so she got her nails and hair done and got dressed. Since her regular people she went to were still in Australia she went to this girl on Instagram and she just pressed her own hair.

 Since her regular people she went to were still in Australia she went to this girl on Instagram and she just pressed her own hair

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(That's how the nails and pics came out) (If y'all want her @ on Instagram it's {@zendayyuh})

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(That's how the nails and pics came out)
(If y'all want her @ on Instagram it's {@zendayyuh})

When she arrived home she got a call from one of her teammates. They said coach wanted them to meet at the gym.

"Are we going to be practicing today"

"No he said just a discussion"

"Ok thanks" Mya ended the call.

She stayed in the clothes she was in, hopped in her car and drove to the gym.

She walked through the double doors and looked around only to see LaMelo sitting on the bench on his phone.

She stopped in her tracks and gasped.

Melo looked up and smiled.

Mya didn't know what to feel confusion happiness anger.

"Hey" melo said with flowers in his hand.

"H-hi" Mya said confused.

"These are for you"

"Thanks" Mya said keeping it short.

There was a short silence for a second.

"So I'm guessing everyone was in on this"

"In on what" he said leaning in on her face.

Mya just rolled her eyes playfully at his gesture.

"Hey uh i was thinking about what you was saying and yes I was doing you and Ana wrong and I broke up with her yester-"

LaMelo was cut off by Mya putting her hand over her mouth with shame.

"Oh I'm sorry LaMelo I didn't mean to-"

"No it's fine she was mad but she came to terms wit it before I left follow me to my house"


Time skip: 5:55 p.m.

The two were just chilling in Melo room. They were specifically cuddling with their legs tangled together with Melos head on her chest.

LaMelo randomly stared at Mya and leaned in to kiss her.

"Wait" Mya panicked.

"Shh" he said as he dug in her neck finding her sweet spot.

Mya tried containing her moan but it accidentally slipped out.

LaMelo made it back to her soft lips and smirked at her going back down.


A/n: yea I did that what y'all gon do

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