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June 15
1:55 p.m.


The two spent the rest of their day playing a 1v1 against each other. When the sun was setting they decided to head in. I know your wondering who won well they both lost track and was simply just having fun.

"What you want to eat ima order sum" LaMelo said genuinely.

"I mean since it's your last night why not"

"Dominos" Mya said in response.

She was kinda sad she was leaving so early but she didn't want to be a home wrecker. But she knew deep down in her heart that she was never telling melo any of that information.

"Yknow for Nba stars we sure do eat unhealthy" LaMelo shared.

"We doing it together tho" Mya said reaching for his hand in the kitchen.

LaMelo grabs her hand.

"We're brothers..." Mya started.

"We're happy and we're singing and we're coloured doo doo doo doo GIVE ME A HIGH FIVE" they sing in unison.

There was a short silence but Mya decided to break it.

"So you wanna get in the pool while we wait" she said as she sat on the kitchen island.

"Nah we can do something else tho" he said going in between her legs.

He put his hands on her waist and kissed her. She did not hesitate to kiss back. Melo picked her up as she put her arms around his neck and soon the doorbell rang as the two flinched. Mya climbed down to let him get the food.

Mya was thinking about what had happened and she loved that she wasn't alone in a quiet home and she was with him. She loved the kiss they had just shared. But those feelings were so powerful that she forgot he had a girlfriend. Tbh she felt like she was more of a girlfriend to him than Ana.

LaMelo came back and set the pizza on the counter. He came behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed on her neck.

"This is exactly why I need to leave" Mya said chuckling.

"I'm sorry I just can't keep my hands off you"

"Go do that with Ana" she said getting a napkin to hold her pizza.

"Uh- I know you ain't jealous"

"What I got to be jealous of except her body"

"Look don't try and disrespect my female that ain't coo"

"I'm trying to disrespect her? You just kissed me for gods sake"

"And you kissed back so" LaMelo said starting to get heated.

"Again this is exactly why I shouldn't be here" she said walking up the stairs.

She got to the room and quickly grabbed her things and walked towards the door. She opened the door to see melo looking at her with a blank face.

"Move LaMelo"

LaMelo just looked at her with a questioning look and tilted his head to the side.

"Please move" she said about to break down.

She soon dropped down to her knees crying. She knew she didn't want to leave and go back to that empty place but she knew that she wouldn't want what LaMelo was doing to Ana done to her.

He crouched down to her level and lifted her head to look at him. He kissed her cheek a couple times.

"Don't leave I'm sorry" he begged as they hugged.

"LaMelo I promise I don't want you to choose between Ana and i but you cant mess with both of us"

"So you are making me choose?"

" im sorry LaMelo but yes we have fans and we are inspirations to the young ones how would they feel once they find out you were cheating on ana"

"Ight bro bye I'll see you whenever" he said holding his arms out.

She looked at him with confusion.

"Come on just cuz we got into a argument dont mean we ain't coo"

She leaned in and hugged him. This went on for 5 minutes straight no lie.

"Ima come over tomorrow"

"Nah you can't I got shit to do maybe Wednesday fasho"

"Ok well bye melo it was nice being over here"

"Yea I like your company" he said smirking.

"Byeeee" she said driving away.


A/n: purrr I'm back on my shizzzz

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