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June 13
6:56 p.m.


Mya made it to jaspers house and banged on the door.

"Open the door asshole"

"OI you don't speak to your manager like that" he said as he flung the door open.

"Whatever are we heading to the new gym or what"

"Yea have you eaten" Jasper asked.

"Yea my left overs are in my vehicle you want it"

"It's alright mate but uhh very important meeting so we gotta head out"

"Alright I'll follow you"

"Alright see you"

The 2 drove to the new gym and Mya was amazed.

When she looked around she saw a bunch of dudes including LaMelo

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When she looked around she saw a bunch of dudes including LaMelo. Along with her teammates.

"Hey guys"

As soon as LaMelo turned his head he saw Mya and smiled at her.

Jasper saw and nudged her. She looked up at him and he raised his eyebrows at her with a smirk.

Time skip: 7:45 p.m.

The coaches for the teams spoke about sharing the gym and sometimes training together.

LaMelo would try to talk to her but it seemed like she was avoiding him. Every time he'd walk up she'd walk away. It's not like Mya was doing it purposefully but she had things to do so talking to LaMelo wasn't an importance to her.

She hopped in her car hearing huffing and puffing.

She turned with urgency and closed her eyesbc with relief seeing LaMelo.

"Don't do that you almost had me run you over"

"Let me get in your car"

"No LAMELO don't your dare aaaaaaand he's in my car"

"Why you been avoiding me" Melo asked.

"I haven't"

"You have"

"If anything you have LaMelo. After you left you just left me in the shadows. I texted you to see if you made it safely on your flight no reply. In fact you left me on delivered. Then you unfollowed me on Instagram for what reason idk. Idc about followers it just all left the impression that we were not cool anymore so you actually avoided me. You can leave now" Mya said with disappointment in her tone.

"I'm sorry that I did that to you. I didn't know it would have such an affect on you" Melo apologized.

"Your forgiven now can you please leave my car"

"I was actually wondering if you can sleep over at my house or I can sleep at yours"

"Why would I let that happen"

"Because I miss you pretty girl and I know you miss me tooooooo and also it would be cool if we can relive that time in Australia " He said tickling her.

"Stop im still mad at you" Mya said looking away from him.

LaMelo picked her up out of her seat and put her on his lap.

"Look it was a mistake I sincerely apologize and it's genuine and I don't apologize a lot so take it or leave it"

Mya was lost for words.

"Uh yea sure"

"Come here"

He pulled the seat down a little so they could have more space.

LaMelo wrapped his arms around Mya so strongly it kinda turned her on.

"I've made my decision your sleeping in my house no if's or but's"



A/n: Ik it took a long time but it's whatever I apologize for that read this book called "Ball Til' We Fall" it's extremely good

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