chapter one

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Family, something Amelia Joy has never really known before. Her story? Not many people know, she refuses to open up, she has built her walls so high that people just avoid her now. Amelia isn't a bad kid, she's smart, gets good grades and she's actually really nice, once you really know her. The teen often, well all the time actually, uses sarcasm to cover up all the pain, and sometimes the pain gets to much for her to handle so she resorts to anger.

Jennifer Jareau, an FBI agent who wanted nothing more then a family, she went on a date with Will but it didn't work out, so now she decided she didn't need to give birth to a child, so here she was, at Horizon Adoption Center.

"Hello, my name is Peter, I run Horizon, how can I help you?" The man asked

He was super kind.

"Hi, i'm SSA Jennifer Jareau, and i'm actually looking to adopt." The blonde stated.

"Ahh I see, do you have an age or gender preference?" He asked.

"Well i was wondering about the teens."

This shocked Peter as when young people came in they wanted younger kids, but this woman, she was something else.

"Sure right this way." Peter said leading Jennifer to his office.

"So here are the files of our teens, from youngest to oldest. Our youngest being 14 and oldest being 18."

Jennifer went through the files and read all the heartbreaking stories, but when she came across the third file, of Amelia she stopped. The picture of Amelia was all it took for JJ to tell Peter that she wanted to adopt Amelia.

Peter was once again shocked to say the least. If the odd person comes in looking to adopt a teen they immediately skip over Amelia's file seeing how thick it is. Now peter obviously warned JJ about the girl and the things he knew about her but that's all. Jennifer knew she wanted this and wasn't taking no for an answer.

This was over 3 months ago, since then Jennifer has read Amelia's file, and learned what she could about her, with a little help from the wonderful Penelope Garcia, but there wasn't much more that Penelope could find other then what was in the file. JJ and her team had gotten everything ready for the teen, they got the necessary things because JJ wanted Amelia to decorate her room how she wanted it. Emily and JJ did some clothes shopping for the girl, but didn't get a lot because JJ was gonna take her as soon as possible. Jennifer took Emily as they were best friends but also she thought Emily would have the second best idea of fashion that Amelia would like. It was no hate to the beloved Penelope but they both knew she would go all out and buy lots of unnecessary things.

Emily was so excited to go shopping, even more so when she found out it was for her best friends soon to be daughter and when JJ explained her fashion sense Emily was over the moon. She knew exactly where to shop for the girl and she dragged JJ to every store that she shopped at. It was almost to the point where JJ thought Emily was gonna be worse then Penelope, and that was hard to beat. The tall brunette begged JJ to let her get some things as a welcome gift for Amelia, so after a lot of begging JJ finally agreed.

The meet/ adoption day

Today was the day.
The day when hopefully both girls find their forever family.

Jennifer had just arrived at horizon and Peter brought her to his office.

"So todays the big day huh." He asked with a smile.

"Yup!" Jennifer said with the same excitement.

"So are you ready to officially meet her?" Peter asked with hesitation.

"I've been waiting for three months, i'm so ready." She told him honestly.

"Just warning Sophie and I have only breached the subject of adoption and each time she has shut us down. She doesn't like the idea of it but i'm hoping that she will eventually warm up to it." Peter warned.

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