chapter seven

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TBH this is the longest chapter i've ever written, enjoy reading! :)

POV no one: Hotch was taken by surprise with Amelia's words. What happened to her that made her say that? What could he do to make him seem less threatening? Slowly he tried again to take out his badge and phone at the same time.

"Amelia, I promise i'm not here to hurt you, I will stay right here, all I ask is that you don't run off. I'm going to slide some things over to you ok?"

Hotch then proceeded to slide his badge and phone over with a picture of him and Jack on the lock screen.

"The little boy on the screen is my seven year old son Jack, and if you open the phone and go onto the photo app you will see lots of pictures with my team and son. You know two of my best agents, Jennifer Jareau and Emily Prentiss. JJ is worried sick right now, and just wants you back." Hotch told her.

"Really?" Amelia said almost inaudible.

"Yeah." Hotch said, happy he was getting through to the girl.

"Can I come closer?" Hotch asked the shaking girl.

Amelia thought for a bit, on one hand he had a son and seemed like he was a great father and he knows JJ, but on the other she doesn't know him or if he has any ulterior motives.

Conflicted, Amelia just stayed silent. Hotch then asked if it was ok if he called JJ or if Amelia wanted to do it herself.

Amelia gave the phone to Hotch because she didn't know where she was and she figured JJ would get mad at her and if JJ yelled and Amelia cried she would rather do it in private.


JJ: "Hotch? What is it? Have you found her?"

Hotch: "Hey JJ calm down, it's ok now, I found her, there's no need to worry anymore, she's completely ok, other than a few scrapes but it's nothing that couldn't be healed by a few bandages."

JJ: "Oh my god, thank you Hotch, thank you. Where are you guys?"

Hotch: "Oh yea, we are in the woods by your house."

JJ: "Thank you Hotch, me and Em are on our way."


"JJ is on her way here. It should be about 10-15 minutes until she's here." Hotch told the frightened girl.

Amelia nodded, still to scared to speak.

JJ and Emily got there in 8 minutes, as JJ was telling her best friend they needed to go and she didn't care about speeding.

Once they got to the woods both girls took out their flashlights and looked for Hotch, luckily he wasn't to far into the woods so they found him quickly.

Once JJ saw Amelia she immediately ran over and scooped the shaking girl up in a hug. But Amelia was to scared to realize it was a hug, so she started flailing her arms and legs, trying to get out of JJ's grasp.

"No please! Stop I can't breathe, it hurts! I don't want him to do it again."
She cried out.

When JJ realized what was going on she immediately loosened her grip on Amelia, but still enough that Amelia couldn't escape.

"Shhh it's ok, Amelia no one is going to hurt you. I'm sorry my hug scared you, I was just so happy to see you and know that you're not hurt." JJ said.

Amelia was still sobbing and screaming, and nothing JJ did could help.

JJ needed to calm her down, and fast.

"Ok Amelia, sweetie, I need you to tell me, i'm drawing on your back."

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