chapter ten

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heyyy sorry it's so late!!! im working in chapter 11 rn cuz i had to split it into two parts!!

POV no one: "Hey Amelia we gotta get going!" JJ called out.

Amelia reluctantly made her way downstairs, nervous for the jam packed day ahead of her. First JJ was going to drive them out to Mount Horizon, Amelia will then tell Peter and Sophie that she wants to stay longer. Next Amelia has a doctors appointment, something she will despise till death.

"I'm ready." Amelia said quietly.

"Hey, it's gonna be ok, i'm 99.9% sure everything is going to go just fine, and on the VERY unlikely chance it doesn't, I will always be on your side." JJ said trying to sooth the girls anxiety.

Amelia knew that rationally, JJ was right, but with the way her life has been, how can one just simply agree and hope for the best? And JJ knew that it wasn't as easy for Amelia to think rationally, but she just tried to ease her worry's.

Both nervous, the girls got into JJ's SUV and started the two hour drive out to Mount Horizon. In all honesty, Amelia thought she would be coming back here much sooner, and not for the reason of wanting to stay.

The blonde agent saw Amelia battling with her thoughts and she silently offered a hand, hoping her daughter would take it. When Amelia saw this she was hesitant at first but slowly went to grab JJ's hand, clearly in need of some comfort.

"It's gonna be just fine, I-" JJ started but got cut off,

"Yeah you 'promise' but here's the thing, you can't promise these things, because you really don't know. It's the same thing with your job, you can't promise these people that you will catch the killer and give the family closure." Amelia told JJ, tired of everyone's empty promise's.

JJ was shocked, not of the response but the fact that Amelia was so vocal about it. In all honesty she understood what Amelia was saying, and trying to promise things to her isn't something that was going to work. She began to realize that Amelia just wanted an adult to acknowledge her feelings and validate them, just someone to agree with her.

"You're right, I cant promise these things, and I shouldn't. All I can say is that I'm going to try my absolute hardest and i'm going to fight for you." JJ said she would try her hardest instead of promising that she would because the more she thought about it, the word 'Promise' might be a little bit of a triggering word to Amelia.

"Thank you." Amelia said quietly.

JJ nodded and smiled at her, and the rest of the ride was spent in silence.

It was 10:45 when the girls arrived at the place that Amelia begged to stay at one month ago, a place that she hated and loved.

"Are you ready?" JJ asked quietly.

"No." Amelia replied shortly.

"I'm right here, and I will be the whole time."

"And if you aren't?" Amelia asked her.

"We will cross that bridge when and if we get there." JJ told her, trying to calm her nerves.

"Amelia, Hi hun!" Sophie said, with a smile on her face when she saw the girl.

A week ago Amelia would've run to Sophie asking if she could come back, but Amelia almost cowered or hid slightly behind JJ. She was afraid, afraid that Sophie and Peter would say that JJ couldn't foster her longer.

"I'm sorry, I think we're a bit on edge today." JJ apologized.

"It's ok, why don't you two come into my office and we can talk, Peter is in there waiting for us." Sophie said, keeping her voice calm and gentle knowing Amelia needed that.

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