chapter four

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POV no one: When Amelia hung up the phone she didn't really know what to do, she knew Sophie was right and that she did have to give JJ a chance, but there was no way in hell Amelia was going to open up fast. Amelia thought she should test JJ, act out and stuff so she could go back to Mount Horizon sooner. At that moment she made her decision, she would do whatever it takes to go back.

Amelia stayed in the room for a little while figuring out ways to get sent back, she figured this would be easy, but little did she know she was very very wrong.

Through out the next few days Amelia did everything to make JJ's life anything but easy. This consisted of ignoring her, giving snarky comments, and much more. Just waiting for the day that JJ would have enough and send her back.

And sure enough, the day came where JJ had finally had enough.

The blonde agent was upset, but remained calm for Amelias sake, not wanting to yell and scare her. She walked up the stairs and knocked on her door.

"Amelia it's me can I come in?" She asked.

"Uh I mean yea it's your house so do whatever the fuck you want."

And so JJ walked in with a stern expression on her face.

"Amelia, that's enough, I know why you're doing this and it's not going to work." JJ told her.

"Oh yeah? And what exactly am I doing hm?"

"Your acting out because you think if you do it enough I will send you back. But that's not the case. I'm not sending you back so it's useless to try and do this."

"Whatever Jennifer. Please leave me alone."

"I thought this was 'my house and I could do whatever the fuck I want' wouldn't that mean I can come and leave any room I want at any time?" JJ said using Amelia's words against her.

This set the girl off. "Ok you know what just stop. I fucking hate this, like why the hell do you care? Why do you want me to open up? You don't deserve to know anything about my past."

"Your right Amelia, I don't. But I hope one day you will trust me enough to tell me. I would never pressure you into opening up or spilling your guts about your past but I do want to get to know you. There are ways to get to know someone without knowing their past." JJ told her.

"Yea and how is that?" Amelia asked not believing her in the slightest.

"For example, asking someone what their favourite things are, sports, hobbies, colours, movies, shows, songs. Do they have siblings or pets, how old they are. Things like that."

"Ok fine, I have no siblings, no pets, we didn't have TV at the foster home so I don't know any shows or movies, we didn't have radios and the one we did have was for the weather channel, I have no hobbies or favourite sports because we didn't do much and we were poor, and my favourite colour is blue. So there you go, you wanted to get to know me and now you do."

JJ was a little speechless, but not much, she expected some sort of answer like the one she was just given, so with that in mind she figured a little bit out on her own. It was clear that Amelia had experienced love with family, but it had not ended well. Therefore making her believe that genuine love from someone was just a plan to gain her trust then betray her. With that being said, JJ now knew the best way to get through to Amelia was tough love. But the profiler also knew she had to be gentle and choose the right words.

"Ok, that's ok that you don't have favourite things yet, it just means we can try stuff, and on that topic, you said your favourite colour was blue, any particular shade?" JJ asked, trying to get more info.

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