chapter eight

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POV JJ: Amelia ended up falling asleep in the TV room upstairs so Em and I took the time to reinstall the alarms and take a few more precautions. It's not that I didn't trust Amelia, ok maybe I don't fully trust her especially after last night but that's not the point. All I knew is that this house needed to be set with a better alarm system and stuff.

"You're putting up a lot of things JJ." Emily told me.

"I'm just taking precautions." I said trying to brush her off.

"Jayje, I know what happened tonight scared the shit out of you, rightfully so, but taking all these extreme 'precautions' isn't gonna do any good. She's going to think you have no faith in her and that you will never trust her. Which in turn could cause her to act out more."

When Emily told me this I realized how right she was. If I did this Amelia would never forgive me. I sighed and told her she was right and threw out any other cameras or alarms that I didn't have before.

"You're right Em, I'm just so scared."

"I know, but we can work on solving the problem tomorrow ok?"

"Yeah, do you wanna spend the night seen as how you don't have a car?" I suggested.

Emily nodded and we both headed up to my room.

I quickly checked on Amelia and then went back to my room. Em had already changed into some of the spare clothes she left here. We both crawled into bed and dozed off.

POV no one: Amelia was up almost all night, she was just stuck in her mind. She felt bad for scaring JJ and her team like that and she wishes she hadn't done it but part of her wishes she ran further. It's not that she doesn't like JJ but it's that fact that she hasn't experienced this kind of affection or care before. And when she has, things never ended well. She hated how upset she was, and that made her more upset, she rolled over and screamed into her pillow. Not being able to understand or handle her emotions. It was hard for her. This happened till morning, screaming into her pillow, sobbing and screaming more.

Around 7:00 JJ and Emily woke up, JJ went downstairs to make breakfast as Emily showered. Once Emily came down JJ served her some breakfast and they talked for a little bit until Emily decided to go home.

Then JJ made two more waffles and plated them with some fruit and apple juice for a drink and brought it upstairs for Amelia and herself.

JJ knocked on the door, she peeked in and saw Amelia sitting up with her knees to her chest.

"Hey, I uhh..I made breakfast. I was hoping we could have it together." JJ suggested.

Amelia looked up at JJ and nodded. JJ set everything down for them and gave Amelia her plate and passed her the syrup.

Once everything was situated they began to eat. Both eating very slowly because they knew that a big conversation was going to happen after this and both dreaded that dearly.

"Sooo.." JJ started.

"What are you going to do now?" Amelia questioned at the same time.

"What? What do you mean "what am I going to do now?" " JJ asked.

"Well I ran away, put your job and foster parent license in jeopardy, like what are you going to do about me?"

"I still want you here hun, I always have. I want to figure this out." JJ said honestly.

Amelia nodded, not fully believing her.

"But I need you to help me figure this out. I need you to talk to me. You don't have to tell me everything but I would really appreciate if you told me a thing or two." JJ was trying to compromise or reason with Amelia in a way that wasn't to pushy hopefully.

Looking down at her hands, Amelia said a small "Ok".

"I know I broke your trust but can I maybe have a few minutes alone? Or can I at least grab something and come back here if your worried about me running again?" Amelia asked.

"Of course, do you wanna grab some stuff and bring it here? You can watch some TV and there's snacks in here along with drinks if you want?" JJ suggested.

Amelia gave her a slight smile and nodded as she got up and went to grab some things. She grabbed her favourite stuffed animal, another blanket, her journal and a few pens. She made her way back to the TV room and put some music on the TV for some background noise.

"I'm going to go for a shower ok?" JJ said, Amelia nodded and when JJ left she took out her journal and a pen.

Amelia's Journal

I'm sorry for running away last night, it's hard to let go of control when i've had to deal with having it for so long. I don't know how to give it up but I am trying. Or at least i'm trying to try. I know you said you wanted to know some things about here goes nothing.
1. I love country music and Taylor Swift
2. I could eat hash browns for the rest of my life
3. My favourite school subject is biology and psychology
4. I love sunrises and sunsets, but mostly sunrises
5. Whenever I had a chance I would take pictures, of anything and everything
6. I really like summer, it's my favourite season
7. I prefer ice cream and cookies over cake, but I love cake pops
8. My favourite ice cream flavour is birthday cake, but out of the three basic flavours, vanilla is the way to go
9. I love to look at the stars
10. I absolutely hate broccoli, the texture is so nasty and I will avoid eating it at all costs

I know this isn't a lot but I hope it's something. I guess another thing you can know is that I like to write, mostly my feelings and stuff because it's easier for me. Once again i'm sorry for running away, I hope you can forgive me :/

Once she finished writing everything she ripped the piece of paper out and folded it up to give to JJ. Sure everything that was written could easily be said to JJ's face but Amelia was hesitant and she knew she probably wouldn't say anything, so writing it was the next best thing.

"Hey, can I come in?" JJ asked as she knocked on the door.

"Yeah." Amelia gave a quiet response. "I uhh, I have something for you."

"What is it?"

"It's a few things about me, if you want to read it..." Amelia trailed off.

"Of course!" JJ said, trying not to show to much excitement in fear of scaring the girl.

Amelia gave her a small smile in return and left to go shower as JJ started to read the letter. She wished she could stay under the hot water forever and avoid whatever possible conversation with JJ that would happen after but then Amelia realized that she also needed to try, and this might mean having a conversation with JJ about the letter.

Once out of the shower and dressed, Amelia slowly made her way back to JJ.

"Hey, thank you Amelia. I know it must have been hard to open up like that, but i'm super proud. Every step you take no matter how big or small is important and makes me so so proud of you." JJ said smiling as Amelia walked in.

"Thank you, that means a lot JJ." Amelia smiled.

Heyyyy! sorry for not updating, hope this makes up for it! what do you think about amelia's interests? what else do u think she likes? hope this helped you learn more about her and that the somewhat fluffy ending made up for all the angst in the previous chapters!!

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