chapter five

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POV no one: The next few days were quiet, as usual. There was what seemed to be a daily fight, it seemed to be a daily occurrence. These fights consisted of school, JJ attempting to get to know Amelia, and some other little things. The school thing was the biggest though, to which JJ decided to homeschool Amelia.

"I don't want to go to school. Why can't you understand that?!" Amelia yelled with tears streaming down her face.

This fight had been going on for an hour already, and JJ was shocked when Amelia started crying.

"Ok Amelia just calm down, why don't you want to go to school?" JJ calmly asked.

"Because I just don't want to." Amelia yelled, not calming down and still crying.

"Amelia come here, let's sit down and talk about this." Slowly JJ reached out for Amelia's hand, silently hoping she would take it. And to JJ's luck she did. Jennifer then led them to the couch and sat them down.

"Let's try this again, now without getting upset can you tell me why? You don't have to say a lot but all I want to know is one little reason why." JJ said gently.

Amelia took a deep breath and said "I've been homeschooled forever, and I don't like change so I want to continue homeschooling."

"Ok, I understand that, change can be hard and unsettling for people, we can look into some homeschooling programs or websites, and my coworkers are super smart so they can help to. Reid is good at everything, Derek loves to play sports like me and he also likes to workout, Emily can speak so many languages fluently, and that's just a few of my coworkers." JJ explained.

By telling Amelia this JJ realized that this homeschooling thing would be a lot easier than she thought. Even if she didn't find a good program she had amazing friends who would do anything for her. She could ask Reid to make some science and math questions for her and help teach her how to solve it, he can also teach her history, Derek and herself could help Amelia keep up with her physical health and try and get her into some sports, Emily could teach her how to speak other languages and history with Reid, and JJ figured ELA was easy to teach and Penelope could always help if needed.

The more she thought about it the more she realized that this might be a good choice, she wouldn't have to drop her off at school and worry about Amelia coming home and JJ not being there, although she did need to figure out a plan of what she would do with Amelia when she went away on cases.

"So you're seriously letting me be homeschooled?" Amelia asked, and JJ heard the suspicion in her voice.

"Yea, I know some great people who can also help too!" JJ told her.

"Now the next thing that I want to talk to you about is my job." JJ said with a pause.

"You know what I do for my job right?" JJ asked.

"Yea, you catch serial killers by profiling them, you study behaviour, victimology, MO, and all that." Amelia responded.

JJ was stunned, she didn't think Amelia knew that much about her job.

"Wow, uhhh, yea that's pretty spot on. Anyways, my job requires me to travel lots, and for long periods of time as well, which means i'm barely home."

Amelia decided to interrupt JJ "So let me get this straight, you decide to foster a kid, just to have a job that requires you to be gone 3/4 of the time? Aren't you just one smart cookie SSA Jennifer Jareau."

Jennifer was definitely expecting that, and all the sarcasm that came with it.

"First of all i'm going to be here for a while as we get into a routine, and once we do I will slowly ease back into it. When I do go back full time, you can stay with my friend Penelope Garcia, or sometimes come on cases with us." JJ said, expecting some witty comment.

"K whatever, but why cant I stay by myself?" Amelia asked.

"Because you're a child, and I would be a few days sometimes a week, which isn't good."

"Yeah but i've stayed by myself for like 2-3 weeks so I will be fine, it's not a big deal."

JJ had a feeling something like this would be said, but she didn't want to expect it or have it be real, she was heartbroken this girl had gone through so much. Amelia hasn't told JJ much but she can see the pain in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Amelia but this isn't up for discussion." JJ said firmly.

Amelia nodded, and turned around to go upstairs. The firm voice JJ used scared her a bit, but she would never admit that. When she got upstairs she laid on her bed hugging the duck she was given as a child. This was given to her by her birth mother, before everything went downhill.

Tears slipped through the girls eyes as she thought back on the memories of her life. Things used to be amazing, she had her mom and dad and they were a happy family. Then her dad left, her mother blamed Amelia constantly and that's when the abuse started. As a kid she thought it was ok, her mom was stressed she doesn't mean it. Then her mother met Walt, he was nice, but then he wasn't, eventually her mom let Walt sign papers to also legally be her step dad. Things got worse and Amelia ran away, she couldn't handle all the abuse. She had no other option as an 11 year old but to do things she would regret for the rest of her life. She didn't want to do it, but she needed money to get by. After a year of doing that Peter and Sophie found her, they took her in. Amelia never admitted that she actually liked it there. She acted like she hated everyone there, using insults to cover herself up. If she didn't open up she would be safe. Things were going good, then her mom found out where she was, took her back and the cycle started again. It was only after 2 months that Amelia called Sophie begging her to pick her up. They found out what happened, told her to press charges, he went to jail, then got bailed out. Then after a month and a half of being back at Mouth Horizon, she met Jennifer Jareau, and here they are now.

Amelia still refused to open up, and it pissed her off how cool JJ seemed to be with that. She wanted to go back, and clearly her acting out wasn't doing enough. She needs to think harder and outside of the box.

Here's a new chapter! sorry for like never updating, but i'm on summer holidays now so hopefully i will get more done. anyways i love you all and as always let me know if any ideas you have!

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