chapter nine

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POV no one: Amelia had stayed in the TV room the rest of the day, she was drained. Drained from running away, drained from her conversations with JJ and Emily, drained from crying. She just felt numb and JJ could tell.

Amelia hadn't moved since she was told to go there by Emily. Right now it was just after nine and all Amelia had done was sit in silence, write in her journal, battle with all the thoughts running through her head and cry. She knew she most likely won't be getting any sleep tonight but she might as well try and take a shower and change.

"Hey uhh JJ?" Amelia called out peeking her head into the living room where JJ was.

"Hey Amelia what's up?" She asked, hoping the teen would sit with her or at least be in her presence.

"I uhh I think i'm going to go shower and go to bed after, I guess I just thought that I should let you know or something." The short teen stuttered.

"Ok, thanks for letting me know, do you need anything?"

"No I think i'm good, but thank you."

"No problem, goodnight Amelia, if you end up needing something you know where I am." JJ reminded.

Amelia nodded and made her way back up the stairs and to her actual room, knowing that if she needed something there was no way in hell she would tell JJ.

Stepping in the shower, she let out a sigh of relief, letting the scalding hot water run down her back and running her fingers through her dirty blonde hair. Things were so complicated right now and her feelings about everything were all over the place and she wasn't sure how to deal with that because as chaotic as her life is, before it was so easy for her to classify how she felt, she either liked it or didn't. But now with the current situation, Amelia wasn't sure. At this thought and confusion she let out a few more tears.

After a while she got out of the shower and pulled on some pyjamas, ran a brush through her hair, brushed her teeth and hopped into bed. She immediately grabbed Ducky and let out more tears as she fell into a fit full sleep.

JJ was also having a hard time with everything. Like Amelia, she also didn't know how to feel. JJ was scared, for Amelia and everything she's gone through, if there are people from her past out to get her, for her own job, and mostly JJ was scared that she isn't doing a good job as a parent. And JJ let out her emotions just like her foster daughter, she cried for herself and Amelia, just hoping things would turn around soon before this first month was over. JJ cared so much for Amelia but she honestly isn't sure if Amelia's mind has changed about wanting to be adopted since she met her earlier in the month. Dealing with the fact that in just a few weeks she may never see Amelia again is tearing her apart.

By the time JJ composed herself it's close to 11, slowly she stood up and went to the kitchen to fill her waterbottle and one to bring up for Amelia because she didn't bring one with her last night or tonight and she usually does. After that the agent makes sure that all the doors and windows are locked, she checks her phone and heads upstairs, first stopping at Amelia's room and quietly opening the door checking if she was asleep and when JJ see's that she is she puts the waterbottle on her nightstand, then the blonde heads to her own room and walks into the ensuite, and puts on a quiet playlist as she hops into the shower. After a quick shower JJ gets settled in for the night, answering any last texts, then trading her phone out for a book.

Eventually JJ put her book away and fell asleep hoping tomorrow would be a better day.

"Hello kitten." He said from his chair in front of the TV.

"Don't call me that. I'm not your 'kitten' or whatever sick name you wanna give me. I'm not even your kid." The dirty blonde haired 13 year old gritted through her teeth.

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