chapter three

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Last night was a hard night for both girls, Amelia cried herself to sleep but woke up lots with her constant nightmares. JJ was just sad and upset that she couldn't do anything to help the girl, more like Amelia didn't want her help.

Hopefully today would be better though. When JJ woke up she went downstairs to start making breakfast, hoping that Amelia likes pancakes.

The blonde had just plated the pancakes and was about to go wake Amelia up but was met with the girl standing just outside the kitchen.

"Oh hey Amelia, I was just about to come get you, I made pancakes! Take a seat and have as many as you want."

Amelia pulled out a chair and sat down just staring at her food, JJ seemed to notice, "Do you not like pancakes? I can make you something else if you would prefer?" She asked.

"No pancakes are great. Thank you Agent Jareau." Amelia said.

"You don't have to call me Agent, JJ, Jen or Jennifer works just fine."

Amelia just nodded, she didn't know what to do, or how to be, so instead she just kept to herself.

Just like the previous day it was a silent meal. JJ was conflicted about whether or not she should push the girl to tell her a few things or let Amelia come to that on her own.

"So Amelia do you have any hobbies? Sports you like to do?"

"If you're just going to keep asking me questions about myself then just read my file." Amelia said boldly.

"Amelia, i'm really trying here, I just want to get to know you, just learn some basic things about yourself. I haven't asked anything personal because i'm waiting to see if you ever warm up to me and want to tell me yourself, along with the fact there really isn't anything in there because you don't open up to anyone." JJ told her firmly. She didn't want to be mean, but she could already tell that the first step might be giving her some tough love.

When Amelia heard what JJ said she started to tear up. Amelia knew JJ was right but she didn't like that, the firm tone scared her. It brought her back to her mom and stepdads house, the place where everything was stolen from her.

When JJ saw the tears rolling down Amelia's face she felt terrible, the last thing she wanted was to make her cry.

"I'm...Amelia i'm so sorry, I didn't mean-"

Amelia held herself back, she didn't want to resort to anger like she usually did but this time she didn't feel as angry as she did sad and many other emotions. She was sad because of the situation she was in, scared if her stepdad came back for her, scared to find out if JJ was capable of hurting her, disappointed in herself for letting her life get this bad, and most importantly upset about how JJ was right about her, and the fact she doesn't open up.

"I....I want to call Sophie and Peter." The fourteen year old said shakily.

JJ nodded and handed Amelia her phone, making a mental note that when she calmed down JJ would give Amelia the phone she bought for her.

The second the phone was in the girls hands she dialled Sophie's number, not wanting to call Peter because he would just tell her that JJ is right, and Amelia knew she was but she just wanted a little comfort from Sophie. Truthfully she did like Sophie, even though she would never admit that.
After a few rings Sophie picked up.

S: sophie
                                                    A: amelia

S: Hi Amelia what's up?

A: Umm hi Sophie, are
you busy at the moment?

S: No hun not at all what's
going on?

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