chapter two

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"Here I can take that." JJ said referring to Amelia's bag.

"Ugh no thanks, I would rather just hold it myself." She said.


About 10 minutes on the road JJ had enough of the awkward silence and spoke up, "What do you like to do?"

"I don't know." Amelia said, damn, she was tough.

"Ok why don't I tell you about myself then." JJ suggested.

"Yea whatever."

She decided to ignore the comment and start talking, "So as you know my name is Jennifer Jareau, but all my friends call me JJ or Jayge, I work for the FBI specifically for the Behavioural Analysis Unit or the BAU, i'm a profiler, which means I study the behaviour of people, my team and I use our skills to help catch bad people."

"You can say serial killers i'm not a five year old I know what they are." Amelia said honestly.

"Yea sorry."

"So are you married or something?" Amelia asked, and JJ immediately noticed the small shake in her voice.

"Nope, happily single." She reassured her.

Amelia nodded.

The rest of the ride was filled with silence and the small talk that JJ tried to make.

                          Time skip!

"Well, this is it, welcome home sweetheart." The blonde profiler said with a warm smile.

It was a nice house, one that you would think a normal family would live in.

Upon hearing JJ call her "sweetheart" Amelia didn't know what to do, part of her felt a warm fuzzy feeling when she heard it but the other part felt as though JJ was trying to suck up to her. Not knowing how to respond, the 14 year old just gave her the tiniest smile, you wouldn't even think it was a smile but JJ saw it and she knew it was.

"So this is the house! How bout I give you a tour ok?" JJ suggested.

Amelia followed her as she gave the tour, the house gave off very homey vibes and it smelt wonderful, like vanilla and lavender, but not a gross mix.

As the girls walked up the stairs JJ showed Amelia where she slept and told her that she can come in here any time of day and to not be afraid to wake her up.

Next she showed Amelia where she was going to sleep, the room wasn't much, there was a simple double bed with white comforter and some pillows, there was a desk and a mirror but JJ told her they would go shopping the next day for her room.

"Ok hun you get settled and unpack and I will start dinner." She said leaving the teen by herself.

As soon as JJ left Amelia opened her bag and grabbed her only comfort item, his name was Ducky, and obviously he was a duck, just a small little yellow one. He was pretty beat up as the girl has had him for almost 15 years, but she refuses to give it up or show anyone.

After she grabbed Ducky, she just stood and took in the room. It was big, and spacious, and the girl felt so tiny and out of place here.

Instead of unpacking she put her bag in the closet knowing that JJ was going to send her back within two weeks, three at the most.

"Amelia, dinner." JJ called for the girl.

Slowly Amelia opened the door and quietly made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Upon seeing her, JJ smiled and pulled a chair out for the girl to sit.

"So I just made some chicken and mashed potatoes with a side caesar salad, I hope that's ok?" JJ said as she set the plate in front of Amelia.

"Yea that's fine." Amelia said without making eye contact.

Dinner was eaten in silence, it was the same as the car ride, JJ trying to make conversation and get to know Amelia, and Amelia just responding with her one word answers that barely answered any of JJ's questions.

"Can I be excused?" The teen asked.

"Yea of course."

Amelia stood up and cleared her plate as she began to clean up the dishes. JJ was stunned. She was looking around for containers to put the leftovers in without actually opening any cabinets and drawers because she didn't want to seem intrusive.

"What are you looking for?" The profiler asked.

"Uhh i'm uh looking for your containers." she stuttered.

"They are right here," JJ opened a drawer, "You know you don't have to do this, like clean up the whole meal right?"

"Ok well i'm sorry for trying to do something nice. I don't even know who the hell you are and i'm just trying to save myself these days, so i'm sorry!" Amelia yelled.

"Look hun I know everything is probably super confusing right now and that it's probably a lot to comprehend but that doesn't mean you can yell at me. Ok?" JJ was calm and collective while telling her this, she honestly figured the girl would snap at her so she was prepared for whatever may be said.

"K whatever." Amelia said rolling her eyes as she walked back upstairs.

The second she closed the door she broke down in sobs, she hated that she yelled and resorted to anger again, but it was to overwhelming for her. JJ was being to nice to her and somewhere in the back of her mind it didn't sit right with her. Part of her knew she was most likely just being irrational, I mean come on, this woman was an FBI agent! But with a past like Amelia's, she was always on edge, not getting close, all the things that happened to her in her home with her parents, those secrets and troubles was something she was going to take to her grave.

"Hey Amelia, it's just me, can I come in?" JJ asked softly.

Amelia gave no response, and luckily JJ figured that meant no. So instead JJ told her that she was here if Amelia decided that she wanted to talk about it.

Once Amelia heard JJ go down the stairs she broke down again. That's how she spent the rest of her night. It was all overwhelming for her and she hated it.

JJ on the other hand felt terrible for saying what she said to Amelia. Part of her knew she did the right thing, she didn't yell and she was nice and calm about what she said, but hearing Amelia sob all night long was killing her and made her think she already fucked everything up.

well i hope you enjoyed this plz let me know if anything you wanna see in this story! also i would like to thank JemilysLoveChild   for making the amazing cover for the book! everyone go give her a follow and read her books because they are beyond amazing! (plus they are my bff lol)

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