chapter six

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POV no one: That night Amelia was thinking about what she could do to get JJ to send her back. After about an hour and a half it hit her. She could run away. No one wants a runaway, then she would go back, because JJ can't have a reckless child. It was the perfect idea. So Amelia started to make her plan. She packed her bag, making sure to put everything she came with in there, she had a pair of runners in her room so she took those. Everything was sitting by the window in her room, there was a drop but she would be able to handle it. After another hour she was sure that JJ was asleep and now she was going to put her plan into action. She grabbed her backpack, opened her window and then....


The alarm went off. Amelia was panicking and she threw her stuff out the window and jumped out after. She knew JJ would be behind her any second but she needed to get going. This was one of the many times where she was glad she was a good runner. She ran and ran, hoping to find an abandoned building out of town where JJ couldn't find her.

POV JJ: When the alarm went off I bolted into Amelias room, my anxiety was rising and I just hoped she decided to open her window for fresh air, but when I opened her door that wasn't the case. She was gone. My anxiety was now skyrocketing, and I needed to get her back. I called Emily. Told her everything, she picked me up and now here we are at the BAU with the whole team.

"It's ok we'll find her." Emily told me. I knew we would but still that didn't make it easier.

POV no one: It was cold, colder than Amelia had expected, but she needed to keep going. The 14 year old didn't know where she was going so she just kept taking every other turn until she found a place that was somewhat sheltered. She didn't bring her phone because she knew JJ would be able to find her, and she also made sure not to look anything up about where she could run to on her phone because they would also be able to find her by that. Eventually she found a place, it was an old abandoned construction site. Lots of metal beams and trucks covered it, Amelia made her way to the beams. They were connected, it looked like bunk beds in a way, Amelia figured she could sleep there. She climbed up then she pulled out her blanket and used her backpack for a pillow. She knew she probably wouldn't get much sleep but she still closed her eyes anyways.


Emily was asking JJ questions, about Amelia, her personality, and places she might go, all questions JJ didn't have the answer to.

"JJ you need to think really hard, has Amelia, or Sophie or even Peter said anything about where she may run or places she goes to escape maybe the woods?" Hotch said as he sat down opposite JJ and Emily.

"Hotch i've been thinking for the past fucking hour! If I knew we would've found her by now. She's a 14 year old traumatized girl, she could be literally anywhere." JJ yelled.

Both Hotch and Emily were taken aback, JJ never yells. Sure she gets mad or upset but she has never yelled.

Hotch looked at Emily and then the rest of the team walked in.

"Hey Hotch, I have an idea, it's not what we usually do but we could try it?" Derek Morgan said as he walked in.

"Ok, what's your idea?" Hotch asked a little sceptical.

"So I was thinking, we all split into teams of two, we drive out somewhere, and look in that area, report back and keep going. It's a far stretch but it could work." Morgan suggested.

JJ listened and immediately agreed, she knew it was a little bit reckless but she was desperate and just wanted Amelia home.

Hotch saw the look in JJ's eyes and also agreed, so he rounded the team up, got them into pairs and they headed out.

The pairs: JJ and Emily
Hotch and Rossi
Derek and Reid


Amelia couldn't sleep, she was on guard incase anything were to happen. She was scared but she didn't want to admit that to herself. It was getting cold, and she missed the warmth of JJ's house. Before Amelia knew it, she was crying, sobbing. The girl started to curse at herself, wondering how she could be so stupid to run away from someone who actually looked at her file and gave her a chance. No one ever did that and JJ did. JJ wanted to. Maybe Amelia can get back to JJ's and just tell her she was on a walk and she didn't want to go downstairs and wake her? Yes, that will work. And so Amelia packed her stuff, and jumped down from the giant metal thing she was on. Once back on the streets she tried to remember how she got there, and how she can get back to JJ's.

Amelia started her walk, although after a while she realized she didn't know where she was. She was lost, yet she continued walking thinking she may still be able to get to JJ's.


"Em we've been out looking for hours and we still haven't found her, we can't go home we need to keep looking!" JJ said, after Emily suggested they go home, get some rest and go back in the morning. She could pull some strings and get a helicopter out looking and it would be easier in daylight.

Emily expected this response, she knew JJ wouldn't rest until they found Amelia, and so even though Emily was tired she walked on with JJ, deciding to support her best friend instead of wanting to go to sleep because she knows JJ would do anything for her.

The girls continued to walk, shining their flashlights everywhere and listening if there were any noises that could be made by a human. But nothing was seen or heard, by any of the team.

The group decided to gather back at their meeting point and Hotch told them a new plan. JJ and Emily would go to one of the exits of the state and Derek and Reid would go to the other, while Hotch and Rossi made their way back to familiar area to see if Amelia may be somewhere around there.

The plan was set and everyone drove off, and began looking again.

Hotch decided he would go to the areas that were more abandoned and Rossi would look more local. In this moment Hotch was in the woods, he knew his way out, but he swore he heard something. Deciding to follow the noise hoping it was Amelia he walked carefully around the woods. Once getting closer to the noise he realized it sounded like someone crying. He ran and finally he saw Amelia come into his view.

She lifted her head in shock, seeing a man she didn't recognize pointing a light at her, she couldn't see his face well but all she knew was that it was a man, he was strong and that meant he was scary.

"Hi Amelia, my name is Aaron Hotchner, I work at the BAU with Jennifer Jareau, or JJ as most people call her. I'm going to take out my badge so you can see ok?" Hotch explained carefully, realizing she was in a vulnerable state right now.

Hotch expected Amelia to get mad at him after he said this or even run away but the reaction he got from her was something he never expected.

"Please stop! Don't come closer! Please I don't want it, I will be a good girl I promise! Please just don't do it, not again please no." Amelia wailed.

why is amelia so scared of hotch? what do you think will happen next?

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hope everyone is doing well!
i love you all
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