chapter eleven

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I AM SHAKING IN MY BOOTS RN! 🪩🎤❤️1️⃣3️⃣🩵💌💎💒🗽🚗🪕🎸🏹🍀🐍🧣1️⃣9️⃣8️⃣9️⃣😻👑💍👗💄2️⃣2️⃣

POV no one: JJ and Amelia were back in the city for Amelia's doctors appointment. JJ could tell that the fourteen year old was on high alert, she was practically shaking.

"What's gonna happen at the doctors office?" Amelia questioned.

"Well they will check how tall you are, how much you weigh, they may ask questions about your sleeping habits, and then they may do a physical." JJ told her, trying her best to explain everything.

"What's a physical?" She was getting more anxious with every mile closer to the office.

"It's hard to explain, it can be different for everyone. I'm sorry I can't explain more hun." JJ said apologetically.

Amelia nodded, and wallowed in her anxiety until they got to the office.

JJ had quickly checked them in and made sure to confirm that Amelia would be seeing a female doctor, once confirmed they sat down and waited. Amelias legs were shaking the whole time, she didn't want to be here, she didn't understand why she was here, there wasn't anything wrong with her.

"Jennifer Jareau?" A nurse called out, "You guys can follow me, to this room here, the doctor will be here in a few minutes." She told the girls.

And less than two minutes later a blonde and a redhead entered the room.

"Good morning ladies, my name is Dr. Kane, and this is my assistant Dr. Thompson." The blonde said.

"Hi, nice to meet you, i'm SSA Jennifer Jareau and this is Amelia." JJ told them.

"What's your relation to the minor Agent Jareau?" Dr Thompson asked.

"She's uh she's my foster mom." Amelia cut in.

"Great ok and Amelia are you comfortable with Agent Jareau staying in the room or would you like her to leave?"

"Stay, please." Amelia requested as she tightened her grip on JJ's hand.

"Ok sounds good, let's get started shall we?" The redhead, Dr Thompson said.

Amelia nodded, she just wanted this to be over.

(I WONT BE DOING THE DOCTORS APPOINTMENT BUT AMELIA HAD A r@pe kit done, to make sure she has no STI's and or tearing. She also had a regular check up, height, weight, eating, sleeping and focusing habits)

Once they were done with the doctors it seemed as though Amelia had completely shut down. JJ understood that, but JJ being JJ did her best to make sure Amelia was feeling safe, and that she would be here to talk or whatever Amelia needed.

The second the girls got home, Amelia rushed up to her room. She just wanted to be alone, and shower. Today at the doctors brought up lots of bad memories with Walt, and once again she felt like his hands were still on her body, she felt dirty. The fourteen year old felt a panic attack coming on so she immediately jumped into the shower. At least she wouldn't be bothering JJ if she couldn't hear her.

JJ on the other hand, heard everything. It took everything in her to not run upstairs and scoop the girl up and hold her. But she knew that 1. it was an invasion of Amelia's privacy, and 2. would make her feel very uncomfortable and probably more overwhelmed. JJ instead, did the next best thing, she wrote a note.
After she finished writing, JJ slipped the note under Amelia's door and went to her own room, leaving the door open incase Amelia needed her.

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