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One day our little girl felt lack of motivation to write a new poem. She asked her mom what she should write in her new poem. Her mom suggested to write something which shows the value of small things like seeds. The little girl got an idea. She used seed and baby to represent how precious small things are and that we should respect small things also, not only use them. This poem also says that we should never underestimate anyone as all have a hidden talent. It's just that few of them discover it early and few discover it late but everyone have worth. We shouldn't underestimate others because if we cross our limits then the criticized individual may do something for their defense which can make us regret.


A small, tiny seed,
Even if surrounded by weed,
Takes a great lead,
In the world, in a vast field.

Like seed there is a baby,
Who in it's family,
Is no less than Ruby,
It is the living version of clarity.

Everyone in this planet,
No matter if they have a personality elegant,
All have a hidden talent,
Everyone have a side violent,
No matter if outside they are silent.

We all have hard times,
Trust me life is not only filled with sour lime,
It's we who don't understand the value of small things and do many crimes.

Life: A journey towards self love or....... self hatredWhere stories live. Discover now