Fake (dark)

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Little girl felt that she was giving so many fake smiles that now she doesn't even knows when she is truly happy. She is very used to this mask. She have faked herself to a complete new individual. This poem says that how much the new teenager became confused about herself only (yeah this was written 2 days after her 13th birthday). The tone of this poem also seems like a teenager wrote it. It also explains why she have trust issues.


I don't have any rights to overtake,
Everything about me is so fake,
The cheerful self I make,
Is just for other's sake,
I'm drowning in my own tears lake.

I still have hopes,
That I can untangle this leash of rope,
I'm a total dope,
To think I'm not alone even though it is leads to nope.

My life is sacrificed for others,
I can't live for myself doesn't gives the feeling of feathers,
My heart is of stone,
All my life I was totally alone.

My happiness abandoned me in past,
Lonliness came and adopted me fast,
For all my sorrow is a must,
Is the reason I have reasons of trust.

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