brOKen (depressing)

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(Author's note : Maybe it is the most depressing song I have wrote yet now. And sorry for not updating yesterday <even though no one reads now lol. Let's apologize to me only as I'm my own active reader> my wattpad account was glitched or something and I was literally going to cry 😢 but then got relieved after knowing that my account isn't deleted at midnight when I updated my other book.)

The little girl felt so used. She felt like she had no worth. Her own best friend replaced her. This is all totally true. When she says that she is OK it doesn't means that she is ok. It means she is saying she is brOKen but shouted OK and silenced the rest. She silenced the pain within her. She faked her smile and moved on when deep inside her heart was chained by her mind so it won't cry. She doesn't wants others to get bothered by her. So she never told anyone her feelings and bottled it up. She doesn't wants to be weak. She doesn't wants anyone to see her "Too good" and vulnerable and soft and side as she doesn't wants to get used. This poem she wrote screams out her deepest feelings she hided from the world. Surely it may seem fictional for a 12 yr old to be like this but she felt it. She felt the darkness of the world as nobody could protect her from the cruel side which isn't meant to be seen by youngsters like her.


I'm totally brOKen,
All take me as the second token,
Did you ever understood me?
Why did you broke my heart and flee.

If you ask me how I'm,
I will say I'm all OK :),
brOKen is truly what I mean,
My life is a nightmare not an dream.

If I say I love bleeding hearts,
It's not the flower it is my life tart,
Why do you need a proof to believe me,
I'm scared one day you will also lose your trust and leave me.

I won't cry,
To you I'm just a piece to try,
You always think I lie,
You don't deserve me,
Just please let me free,
I just love myself, I and me.

Things which may not be understandable :

"Why do you need a proof to believe me,
I'm scared one day you will also lose your trust and leave me."

It means
"Cuz everybody see what they wanna see,
It's easier to judge me than to believe."

-You never know by Blackpink (song above)

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