The fearless lions

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This poem is written by little girl dedicated to the brave soliders who give up their life for their country. This is a different type of poem where the poet writes the questions and mentions the answers of her questions as well.

The fearless lions

Who are those fearless lions?
Are they like shield of iron?
How do they get that willpower?
Their endurance level is higher than the greatest towers.

They even get hurt,
They too one time have to rust,
But they have a special place in our heart,
They are the ones who have all our trust,
After all the country is their priority first.

Why did I mentioned them as lions?
Because our country is their territory,
They won't spare people with bad intentions coming here,
They are the greatest warriors who are the cause of our beautiful country standing still,
They do it from their heart is the reason they have a great power of will.

An injured solider is no less than injured lion,
Dealing with their deadly side is no fun,
You can't lure an injured lion saving his territory,
He is all determined and won't step back.

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