Without you

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This poem is dedicated to the best friend of little girl which she is now reconnected with. It was written by her in the time when she missed her friend.

Without you

People like you,
Are really few,
You are one in the crew,
Who are always true.

You were one of those priceless people,
Who have a place in my priceless heart,
For you I'm always a penguin and Apple,
You understood me and sweetened my life tart.

I don't have any clue,
What to do without you,
Don't know what to do,
Do you miss me, do you?

The fact that we are separated by fate,
For me is still so new,
With you I'm talkative for others my mouth says words few,
I still remember memories of me and you,
I hope my desire of finding you comes true. (well it is true now!)

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