Don't give up

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This is a motivational poem little girl wrote for herself when she felt like she is just wasting her time by working hard for her dreams. As there is no one to motivate her for her passion she motivates herself in this case.

Don't give up

Never ever give up,
Don't dump your passion, don't dump,
I know it is hard and your throat have a lump,
Trust me, to recharge you only need one great energy pump.

I know it takes much patience,
You need to have hard dedication,
I know haters are more than supporters,
It's better to stay strong now rather than regretting later and curse.

Cheaters will cheat,
Haters will hate,
But that position is your seat,
You gotta work hard to get a fortunate fate.

Later when you reach your success,
You will laugh at your past self who was acting all hopeless,
Don't give up yet,
It's just the start of your journey,
For more you gotta wait.

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