Cass.... Your Hair!

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"Cassandra Kennith Smith! You come back here right now!" James shouted and started running behind Cass who was laughing uncontrollably.

"Catch me... If... You... Can!" She said in between her laughs. James sighed in defeat and stopped running.

"Fine.. fine! I give up! Now can I please have my book back?" James said.

"Nope!" Cass said and James groaned. "But...." James' face brightened up. "If Lily says yes this year then you'll owe me sixteen Gallons."

"Looks like your gonna loose the bet." James said snatching the book from her.

"Nope. I'm gonna win!" Cass said throwing a pillow at him. It's at that time that James noticed something.

"Cass your... Your hair!" He said. Cass looked confused.

"You usually say it looks good. But today, what's wrong?" Cass said.

"Oh nothing. It looks great!" James said but Cass knew he was hiding something.

James' POV.

I can't believe it! Her powers are finally showing themselves! Yes! Dumbledore had told me, Remus, Sirius and Peter that this would happen someday.


End of fifth year.

"Oi! Prongs!" Sirius or as I like to call him Padfoot called to me across the common room.

"Yes Padfoot." I said once he was near me.

"Dumbledore wants to see you, Peter, Remus and me. Right now." Sirius said. This will be important. I nodded and we went to fetch Remus and Peter. We quickly reached the office.

"Chocolate Frogs!" Sirius said and it work. We quickly rushed through and knocked on the office door.

"Come in." Dumbledore said.

"Good evening professor." I said this is the only person, well apart from my parents who I respect.

"I've called you here regarding Miss Smith." Dumbledore said. I was shocked. I knew that Dumbledore knows about Cass but what did he want to talk about?

"Ok. What's up with Cass?" Sirius said I could make out the concern in his voice. And I also know that he had a crush on her last summer.

"She's a Metamorphmagus." We all gasped.

"But sir. Isn't she a muggle?" Remus said.

"No. She isn't. Her powers will show during this summer. But James i don't want you to start jumping up and down and telling her this." Yup I would definitely do that. Dumbledore continued, "you will write a letter to me. And at the end of summer Professor McGonagall will come and explain things to her."

And then Remus voiced out what I was thinking, "But professor, why now? I mean all these years she never showed that she had powers. So why now?"

"Well Remus, not everyone show that they have magical powers by the age of 11. Some take time. And that is Cassandra's case." Dumbledore said.


Yeah. I knew this would happen. So I took a parchment and wrote a letter to Dumbledore. I got an answer in about thirty minutes. Wow! It says that Minnie will come here and explain things to Cass. She gonna be so excited! I feel someone hug me from behind around my neck. I smiled.

"Don't ever leave me 'kay?" Cass said.

"I'll never leave you Cass. No matter what." I said and kissed her on her forehead. Cass is like the sister I never had. I love her. Not in that love love way but I love her like a sister. She always listens to my talks even though she finds it boring. She'll always laugh at my jokes even if they aren't funny. We share everything with each other. Well maybe not everything. But yeah some things I do share with her.

After lunch.

"Mum, have you seen my Defense against dark arts book?" I said.

"No dear. Maybe Cassandra knows." Mom said and I groaned. Once she starts reading my books, she never stops! I hate that! I quickly went to my room. Well I say it's 'my' room but really me and Cass share it. I opened the door and yup! She had my book.

"Cassandra give me my book back!" I Said. She grinned. This is not good. Not. Good. I repeat. This is NOT good! She quickly slid off the bed and ran downstairs.


"Sorry JAMES POTTER! BUT I WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU TRY AND CATCH ME!" She shouted back. Eventually our marathon ended up in the kitchen. And my mum wasn't coocking but yet. If you mess up her kitchen your in deep trouble my friend. She hid behind my mum. Oh great!

"Mia save me!" She said.

"What is it this time James?" Mum said. She always takes Cassie's side. Which I hate.

"Ok. Cass I'll make you a deal. You give me my book back and I'll teach you to ride a broom. Fair?" I said.

"Completely fair. Jamie!" She exclaimed before jumping on my back. She might be sixteen years old, but acts like a two year old. It's something I love about her. Her childness. I chuckle to myself.

"So when are we going to learn how to fly?" Cass asked. I chuckled again as I knew this was the exact next question.

"Tomorrow when Sirius, Remus and Peter come." I said.

"And why not now?" She said. I shook my head.

"Because I don't have two brooms." I said.

"But then.... Oh. Ok." Cass said. And she skipped back to our room.

Cassie's POV.

Hello there. I'm Cassandra Smith. I used to live with my parents but then something happened and I totally hate them. Well maybe not completely but yeah I do hate them. My family consists of My Father, my Mother, me and then my sister. I used to to have a brother and my grandma used to live with us too. But then in an accident they both died... Sad. Yeah I know. But then I met James. And that was the best day of my life. I'm from a muggle family. But I know all about the Wizarding World. And I really wish I could go to Hogwarts.

I love the Wizarding World. Mia, she's James' mother, she always shows me how magic works. She even allows me to hold her wand sometimes. I keep snatching James's books. He always complains about his pile of homework. But hey! He's lucky. Atleast he doesn't have to study what is inside his body right? Or he doesn't need to study Physics and Chemistry and stuff. They just need to learn spells and all. I would die for a life like that. But he says it's not as easy as it sounds.

Then another thing is that James's crush. He always and by always I mean always talks about someone called Lily Evans. I really want to meet this lucky girl and ask her why she hasn't said yes to James yet. I know he's a handful sometimes but that's what makes him fun.

Me and James have a very few things in common but yet we get along perfectly well. We love to play pranks on each other and sometimes even on James's dad and mum. And speaking of pranks I just played one on him. He just has to have a shower. Which will be any time soon.

My family is not very great. I have a sister and only she gets all the attention. For some reason I used to never find my parents when I needed them the most. Me and James met at a bookshop. Yes a muggle one. But both of us were friends in an instant! I love James. It in that lovey dovey way. But as a brother. He's always there for me whenever I need him.

Then comes Sirius. He's like my brother too I guess. Idk.

Then Remus. He's always the one who is concerned more than anyone else.

And then Peter. He's great actually. But yet I think that sometimes he needs to be more confident.

James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Mia and Fleamont they are my family. And I love them. I always will.

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