The Curse.

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Third Person POV.

Everything in Cass'life was going smoothly. She and Sirius had been dating for the past one week. He was being good. He was with the whole day through. Everything was going on fine.

"Have you guys kissed yet?" Lily said. "Other than the night he asked you out." Lily added.

"No...." Cass said. "We've just been too busy. And.... Ummm..... I don't know Lily!"

"I'm just asking." Lily said.

"Well we aren't like you and James! You guys song anywhere and everywhere!" Cass said.

"No we don't!" Lily said throwing a pillow at Cass.

"Hahahahahahaha. As if." Cass said.

"It's true!" Lily said.

"As if!" Cass said. "Even if you want it to be true it won't."

"Ok ok. Fine!" Lily said.

"The full sentence please." Cass said.

"Me and James snog anytime and anywhere." Lily said going pink in the face.

"That's better." Cass said giggling. "I wish you were a metamorphmagus."

Lily was about to say something just when Sirius came up to them. He stood in front of Cass.

"I can't be with you anymore. We're over. It's done." Sirius said looking down. Cass just stood there looking blankly at him. She just stared. She didn't know what had just happened in a matter of a few seconds.

"Sirius, look at me straight into my eyes and say that." Cass said. And she knew that any moment now she would start crying. Sirius looked at her straight into her eyes. But before saying anything, Cass spoke, "If you do this, I swear, I will never ever even look at your Goddamn face ever again."

"We can't be together anymore. We're done. We're over. I've been cheating on you for the past one week with Astrid." Sirius said.

"Ok, then. So be it." Cass said. At that moment her hair turned to red. It was super bright. Very bright and one could've bet that you could see it from the grounds. After saying what she had to say she turned on her heel and walked away, her head still head night, but inside only she knew in how deep a ditch her heart was in.

"Why the fuck did you do that!?!?" Lily screamed at Sirius.

Sirius' POV.

"Why the fuck did you do that!?!??" Lily screamed at me. I had expected that reaction from Cass, but kinda got it from Lily instead.

"I don't have time for explanations." I said and made my way to the boys dorm. However emotionless my face looks, it's twice the amount filled with emotions. I didn't want to do what I just did. Not even in my wildest dreams would I have done something like that. I love her and now I just ruined everything I had. I lost my life just a few minutes ago. I am alive without a soul. It's like the Dementor just performed a kiss on me. I feel so empty on the inside. I can't even believe that I'm standing right now.

But I did this for Cass and only Cass. I'll tell you what happened.


I was getting late for Defence Against the Dark Arts. I really was getting seriously late. I had to run. And when I was on my run, I felt someone pull me into an empty class room. I turned around to only find my brother. My brother. We haven't even looked at each other for days. God knows what he wants now. I might sound rude right now, but that's only because I am late for DADA. Otherwise I would love to talk to my brother.

"Hi. I just wanted to let you know about something." Reg said.

"What?" I said.

"Why are you in such a damn hurry?" Reg said.

"Cause unlike you I have a class!" I said.

"I've never seen you so serious about classes." Reg said. I chuckled.

"That's because I now I get to spend time with-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because he finished it for me.

"Cass." Reg said. I nodded smiling. Just her name makes me smile.

"And Cass is the reason I pulled you here." Reg said. What? Why? Had something happened to her?

"What about Cass?" I said. He took a deep breath before speaking.

"I know both of you guys are together and I've got nothing against it." Reg said.

"Ok?" It come out more of a question than answer.

"But do you know about the Laurent-Black family curse?" Reg said.

"No?" Again it came out more of a question than answer. Reg put his hand on his forehead and shook his head.

"Why don't you look into the family's history!?!" He exclaimed. By now I had forgotten about our class.

"What do you mean?" I said looking utterly confused.

"The Laurent-Black curse is the most affective curse in the history of our family!" Reg said.

"So?" I said still confused I didn't see what this was going.

"Ugh! Cass' mother is one of the Laurent daughters, which makes Cass a Laurent too you dikhead." Reg said. I blinked multiple times. And mean multiple.

"What is the curse about?" I said.

Reg took a deep breath and then sighed and then said, "If a son/daughter of the Laurent family and the son/daughter of the black family, date or get married, there is this curse, where either the son/daughter of both the families fall seriously ill which is as good as death." Through this whole thing my mouth was a bit open, I never blinked not even once as I watched Reg speak and pace around the room. I couldn't believe what he was saying.

"So me dating-" I started but didn't get to finish.

"Yes so you dating Cass means one, or both of you guys might as good as die." Reg said. I was shocked. I couldn't believe anything right now. I just couldn't.

"Listen, I know it's hard for you but think about it." Reg said.

"There isn't anything to think about." I said.

"What do you mean?" Reg said.

"I'm going to break up with her and stay away from her as much as possible." I said.

"It's going to be hard for both of you." Reg said.

"So be it. I can't risk her life. I just can't." I said shaking my head as I did.

"Does she know about the curse?" Reg said.

"No, I don't think so." I said. "I've gotta go. Bye." I said and was about to leave the classroom just when I turned around and hugged Reg tightly. I hadn't done that since I had come to Hogwarts and just like the old days he hugged me back.

"Thanks Reg for all that you do." I said. Even though my family had abandoned me Reg never had. He kept his promise, that whatever happens he'll always be with me. No matter what.

"Anytime." Reg said.


And that was my story.

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