Life After Graduation.

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Life after graduation was great for Cass. She moved in with Sirius and they loved being together. Cass got a job as an auror and so did Sirius. They were partners in a few missions whereas the others they were separated but still had someone from their friend group along with them. All their missions were always successful and the order was having a lot of progress. But Voldemort was getting stronger too. And Everytime they were close to killing him and his evil plan something always got in the way. And on one of their missions, the thing that got in their way was priceless.


"Love I'll be fine. When am I not?" Cass said as she prepared herself for the mission.

"It's not that Cass. And you know it. I'm just scared of loosing you." Sirius said from across the table.

"You know you never will. It's not that easy to get rid of me Black." Cass said.

"I love it when you say that." Sirius said.

"And I love you."

."I love you too."

During the mission.

"Hey Smith! Look who we have here." One of the death eaters said and her heart beat started racing. And as she turned she felt her heart stop. They had them. Both of them, Sirius and Regulas.

"Now it's up to you Smith. Stop fighting or give both of them up." The other death eater said. She was so close to stopping this plan of Voldemort. So close. But she couldn't loose them. No ways could she ever do that.

"Let us be Cassandra. It's fine. They think I betrayed them, but they don't know I was on their side all along." Regulas said.

"Black's right. Well about the first part. It's fine Cass. Let them have me. But you can't afford Voldemort continuing this madness." Sirius said.

"Shut it the both of you." The death eater said. Cassandra looked at James and knew what he was thinking. They both nodded and threw their wands on the floor.

"Now leave them." James said.

"Fine." The death eater said and left Sirius and Regulas. Right then James and Cass summoned their wands back and attacked. They had learned to do magic without wands and that was really handy right now. But their attacks weren't enough and after one final time Moody called them out.


That was a tough one. She almost had it. But that one sent had costed her everything. Moody said it was fine but with his behavior, you could make out how fine it really was. And they all knew that it completely wasn't 'fine'. But they put that behind them and started working on more missions again.

On the bright side of their life, Lily and James got married and Lily is expecting. And Sirius proposed to Cass a few weeks ago. Everyone was asking when the wedding is going to be but they honestly didn't have time to think about it. The only time they got to spend together was when they would sleep. And on the nights where one of them or sometimes both of them would have missions, they didn't have that time either.

Cass hardly has time to even breathe. Even though they don't have missions every secound, their time goes in planning their tactis or in training or in planning their next mission. They're always on the run not knowing what the future holds. She couldn't even think about it anymore. Because Everytime she thought about it she had such thoughts that she wouldn't dare to even start thinking about over again. She was scared that she'd loose all the people she loves. She was scared that she would loose her friends that she would loose Sirius. She was close to loosing him once, and she never ever wanted that to happen again.

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