Summer Time.

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Cass' POV.

It's been a few months since Sirius broke up with me. It hurt me. It really did. But what hurt me more was James'reaction. He didn't say anything. Infact he's been acting and being really distant. And I couldn't take it so I stopped talking to him altogether. Lily also doesn't seem to know in who's side she is. It just looks like all of them are hiding something from me. A reason that he broke up with me. But why would they do that? When Sirius broke up with me he said that he'd been cheating on me with Astrid, but I haven't seen them together till date.

Infact she has a boyfriend. And she isn't the type who will cheat on someone. That's one thing I can be sure of. So my conclusion is that Sirius lied, and everybody else is hiding something from me and it got something to do with Sirius breaking up with me. But I don't care anymore. I'm over him. I've got no feelings whatsoever.

James invited me to stay with him for Summer. But I said no. Not because of this whole mess but because I want to spend time with mum and dad and my sister. And James said he understood but he really was sad when I said it. It will be the first summer in the eight years that I am not spending with him. It will definitely be hard for me too. But I want to spend time with my family. And I will. Just two more days and I'll be back in London.

Sirius' POV.

It's been a few months since I lost my life. Yeah I'm talking about the break up. I didn't want to do it. But I had to. When James found out he was furious. And so was Remus. I had never seen Remus like that. But after I had explained everything to them they kind of calmed down. So this what exactly happened that night.


I quickly grabbed a sheet of paper and a quill and started writing a letter to Mrs. Smith. If someone can help me it's her. I've know her for like just two weeks and we got close within a matter of seconds.

Dear Mrs. Smith,
I hope your well. I might've created a bit of a problem with Cass. I don't even know if I'm worthy of calling her that anymore.

As you might know, me and Cass were dating for the past two weeks. But today I came to know about the family curse. And I got scared and broke up with Cass. But I'm not sure whether that was the wisets thing to do. I guess not. I don't know whether she knows about the curse or no but I know that if I sit and try to explain it to her she'd just say that it's a load of rubbish.

I don't actually know why I'm writing this letter to you honestly. I just felt like you should know the actual reason of why I broke up with her. She's an amazing person and I'd die for her, but I wouldn't let her die for me. No ways. I'm not taking risks when it comes to her. Never and never will.

With love,

I put the letter in the envelope and was just on my way to the door just when James opened it and it banged again the wall with suck force that it closed again.

"Why the fucking hell would you do that?" James said. Or more like shouted.

"Prongs calm down! Let me explain!" I said holding the letter in my hand. The next thing I know is that a another loud bang, which meant that someone had done the same thing as James. It was Remus. He looked furious. If possible more furious than James. Shit.

"Why in the world would you do that to that girl? Huh? What did she not do for you? Didn't kiss you enough? Or does Astrid just kiss you more?" Remus said. Anger clear in his voice. Peter had also entered with Remus and it looked like he was trying to calm Remus down. But we'll failed.

"I wasn't with Astrid." I said.

"Another dirty lie." Prongs said. Oh I hate it when he's like this.

"Lie? Ok fine then tell me one moment that I haven't been with you guys. One moment when I wasn't with Cass and somewhere else." I said.

"What about Defense Against The Dark Arts class?" Remus said a little more calmly. "Where were you"

"With Reg. Now if you let me then I can explain." I said and gestured towards my bed for them to sit down.

"This better be good mate." Prongs said.

"So basically I was on my way to DADA just when Reg pulled me into an empty classroom...." I explained everything to them. Detail by detail. And by the end they understood why I had done what I had done. Thankfully.

"I'm sorry about earlier." Prongs and Remus said.

"It's fine I would've reacted the same way." I said.


That's what had happened that night and I am thankful that they understood. Because they have been the biggest support ever. And I did get a reply from Mrs. Smith. She said she would try to calm Cass down and it definitely worked. Me and Cass don't talk much obviously. But I feel great looking at her everyday. I don't know how I'll survive the summer without her. It will be the first summer without her in six years. But I'll have James.... And that just reminded me about pranks. Great. We haven't pranked anyone in ages. The mood is just not there. The children who used to be seen laughing everywhere are now the quitest children in the entire school.

Minne spoke to us about it too. That's how much serious it is. And I wish things had gone differently. And I just wish everybody would stop poking their nose in my business. It's been months since we broke up but whenever the Slytherins see us together they always bring up the topic and it's just annoying. I just hope that someday, sometime, everything goes back to normal and my life takes a turn. And everything changes. I just hope so.

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