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Third Person POV.

That night.

Matt and Mathilda went to their favorite place in the whole castle. They both sat under the tree. The night breeze slowly touching their skin and then going to the opposite direction of their direction. (A/N: I have no clue if that made any sense. I so bad at describing feelings and surroundings!)

Mathilda broke their silence. And voiced out something Matt was thinking, "Does she love Sirius?"

"I don't know. It looked like she does." Matt said.

"I remembered the time I was figuring if I liked you or not." Mathilda said with a chuckle. "Every evening I used to take a single rose and pluck on by one petal saying 'does he love me?' and then the next one would be 'he does not' it was really funny now that I think of it."

At that time Matt took the opportunity and laughed. Mathilda looking at him also laughed.

"I remember those days where Fleamont used to be like Ask her out for goodness sake! And I used to be like what is she hates me?" Matt said.

"You took so damn long to say it!" Mathilda said.

"I know I know. I was just not sure." Matt said. Mathilda entangled her hands with his and rested her head on his shoulder.

"What if she does love him?" Mathilda said. "What about that curse?"

"It will be fine. Don't worry. They will find a way out." Matt assured her.

"But now you will live with your parents..." James said suddenly when they were in the kitchen having a party without anyone's knowledge.

"Yeah.. I will." Cass said smiling.

"Yeah..." James said. At this time Cass realised that james was a bit sad. She hugged him and said, "But you still won't be able to get rid of me."

James smiled and chuckled and said, "Should I be worried?"

"A hell lot." Cass said.


Three days had passed by since the time Cass came to know her family background. She was so damn excited. Nothing could make her more happy.

But something always kept confusing her. A thought always erupted in her mind every time she saw this one particular person. Does she actually like Sirius Black? Even if she likes him does he like her back? Has he ever indicated anything like that? Well maybe once. But that he just asked her to come to Hogsmade with her that too as friends. He had added that part. So maybe he doesn't like her.

"Argh!" Cass cried out. This startled Lily and Marlene.

"What?" Both of them said.

"Oh sorry. I didn't mean to startle you guys." Cass said. And then realized something. "Where is Alice?"

"She's gone out with Franck remember?" Lily said.

"Oh yeah." Cass said.

"What is on your mind?" Marlene said. "You've got your family cleared out, so now what is it?"

"Nothing." Cass said. Her hair turned green. This meant that she was lieing.

"Stop lieing."

"Ok ok. Everything." Cass said. "Everything is wrong!"

"What do you mean?" Lily said.

"Sirius." This was all she had to say for the two girls to understand.

"Oooooooo." Marlene said. "Someone is in loveeeeee."

"I don't know if I am!" Cass said.

"You are!" Lily said and at that precise moment Cass' hair turned pink.

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