Before Graduation.

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Third Person POV.

Cass' time at Hogwarts was coming to an end soon. She didn't even realize how fast two years flew. It was like it happened all in a rush. And he'd adventure here was coming to an end. And she wished it wouldn't. Many people asked her what her plans for the future are but she never had an answer because she never thought about it. More like she didn't want to think about it. She never wanted it to end.

But come to think about it, what will she do? Where will she go? She can't keep staying at home. Even if she does, she doesn't want to. She wants to prove to herself and everyone that she can take care of herself. But in order to do that she needs to think of the Future something she doesn't want to look into right now.

She doesn't know whether she is capable of being an auror. Or she needed to complete all her years at Hogwarts. Because she loves defense. It her favorite subject. But she just doesn't know if she's that good to be an auror. What if she isn't able to get any job? How will she live? Yeah definitely her parents will help her but for how long can she depend on her parents?

And then the question she never wanted to ask herself.

What will happen about her and Sirius?

That's what she was scared about the most. Her and Sirius. The curse had already been beginning to come into action. Sirius and Cass both had fallen I'll at the same time for nearly two months. No one knew what it was. But it affected them a lot. Cass never again wanted to back to those days. Never again. She hated them. The pain she used to feel. They used to feel was terrible. Unimaginable. But a potion that was made by James saved them. How'd James come to know about the potion? Because he had a dream. And he wanted to give it a try. And it worked. And they were all thankful that it did. Even in those times, Sirius stayed with her. He never let her go. He cared for her more even though he was sick too. He didn't give a damn about what was happening to him but still cared for her. Everytime she was in pain Sirius came. He was there when she most needed him. But what would happen after Graduation? Will it all be the same? Will he change? Will anything change? What will happen?

"Thinking about after graduation?" Sirius said from behind slightly scaring her and making he'd jump. And she could die too if she would've jumped a bit more 'cause she would fall right out of the Astronomy tower.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you love." Sirius said.

"It's fine Siri." Cass said smiling. But Sirius knew something wasn't right about that smile. Infact nothing was right. Something was bothering her and she didn't want to talk about it. She wanted to keep it all in her head. But he wouldn't let her. He too sat on the window pane opposite Cass.

"You know, you've been out here for eight hours right?" Sirius said.

"Shoot. Eight hours. Wow." Cass said looking at her watch.

"You got us scared Cass. Thankfully something like the map exists." Sirius said.

"Sorry... Didn't mean to." Cass said and Sirius nodded reassuringly. "Remember my fifth lesson here? We were paired up and you didn't do shit."

"Yeah I remember. Those are fun memories." Sirius said smiling remembering the night.

"You really are a star Siri. That lights up my world." Cass said.

"You too Cass. I don't know what I would've done without you. I swear I probably would've been eaten up by that bear in the woods." Sirius said. And Cass chuckled.

"What have you been thinking about?" Sirius said.

"Everything actually. After graduation. I don't know where I'll be. Where we'll be."  Cass said.

"I know it's hard. But we'll make it. I know we will Cass." Sirius said taking her hand into his.

"We can move in together if you want. I've got enough money to buy an apartment. I know it's hard for you especially with the war coming. I know Cass I know." Sirius said.

"I don't want to loose you. I just don't want that." Cass said and Sirius at that time came to know what Cass was actually worried about.

"You'll never loose me. I'll always be there with you Cass. No matter what." Sirius said and hugged Cass. Silent tears started rolling down Cass' face. But she just let them flow. After about ten minutes they broke apart.

"Your not getting rid of me that easily!" Sirius said making Cass chuckle.

"Thanks Siri." Cass said.

"There's no need to thank me love. I'll always be there for you and with you. Always." Sirius said. It wasn't just a statement, it was a promise. And she knew he'd keep that promise no matter what. "And now unless you don't want to sleep during our DADA exam we better get going."

"Yup. Let's see, I've got three hours before breakfast, so that's about enough time to study." Cass said.

"How many coffee's do you drink in a day?" Sirius said.

"None." Cass said simply.

"Then how the bloody hell are you still awake and have the energy to study now for three hours and then answer an exam?" Sirius said shock plastered on his face.

"I don't know." Cass said yet again simply.

"You are unbelievable." Sirius said.

"Yeah I know." Cass said smiling and getting off the window plane and on her feet ready to leave.

"Can't I get something before leaving?" Sirius said with a smirk.

"Hmmm now what do you want?" Cass said.

"A kiss would be good." Sirius said.

"Now?" Cass said.

"No after we find our way into wonderland." Sirius said and Cass laughed.

"Of course now!" Sirius said.

"We then get your ass up." Cass said. And once Sirius stood and they walked a step closer to each other, they closed the gap between their lips. It was just amazing how one kiss could change her mood. Could change infact her. After they were done they both made their way to the Gryffindor common room. It was currently 5:30am. And yet they saw many students in the corridors. And one of them was someone that Cass used to help in his studies and Sirius knew him all too well. It was Regulas.

"What are you doing here so early?" Sirius said.

"Studying. I think it's clear with the amount of books." Reg said. "I don't think you two are studying." Cass turned a bright colour of red.

"We.... Er... We were just talking. That's all." Sirius said.

"Well I hope 'talking' doesn't change into getting her in your bed tonight." Reg said with a mischievous smile as both the others turned red.

"Regulas Black! How dare you!" Cass said. As Regulas laughed.

"You two are perfect for each other. So now I should leave you two alone to doing what you two were doing. So bye!" Regulas said and walked away.

"That boy. Wow." Sirius said.

"Well, he's your brother after all. What could you expect?" Cass said and they continued their walk hand in hand.

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