Siri wake up.

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Cass' POV.

It was nearly Christmas. Just three more days to go and we will be back for vacation. I'm happy that we will be going back. James and Lily have been getting close. Tomorrow is going to be our last Hogsmade visit before vacation. I've improved a lot in potions. That's a good thing. It's helped me in a lot of things.

Remus has been a great help. Although there is something off. I mean every month Remus goes missing for one entire day. When he comes back he has so many scars on his face. I'm actually right now in the library doing research. I don't know why but I have a doubt that Remus is... Well... A werewolf. I mean it all connects to this. He goes missing every full moon. Then the scars. And then the nick name Moony. It just connects. And I'm going to find out.

I read and read. With every book my doubt just becomes stronger. And then a thought struck my mind. All their nick names. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. This might sound crazy but I think, Peter, Siri and James are Animagus. If you think that this is strange then yes. I'm absolutely with you. I understand that they didn't tell me about Remy. But not telling me this, that's something I can't believe.

"Cass we've been here for the past three hours. Can we go?" Peter asked me and I shot out of my thoughts.

"Yes we can go Wormtail." I said. I carried four five books and we go to the common room. I see James ad Lily talking. James had told me that he would ask Lil if she would go out with her. He gives me a nervous look but I smile and nod encouragingly. He takes a deep breath.

"Lily, will you go out with me tomorrow?" James said. Lil please say yes. Please.

"Yes." Lily said.

"I knew this would happen. I knew you would-" James said I didn't understand this. "Wait wait wait wait. Did you just say yes?"

"Yes James I said yes."  Lily said.

"She said yes! She said yes! She said yes!" James said. I went towards him.

"Yes yes we know. I'm Happy for you." I said. And then  he went to Siri and the other two.

"Gimme ten gallons! I told you she'd say yes!" James said. The three sighed in defeat and gave him ten gallons.

"Oi James! Don't forget I had kept a bet before you even came here!" I said from one end of the common room.

"Oh... Yeah... Right." James said in realisation. I chuckled.

"So you finally said yes." I said to Lily who was very red.

"Yes." Lily said.

"What made you change your mind?" I asked.

"A friend. And also he has changed a lot Cass. Trust me." Lily said.

"So if I do another prank will you not be my friend anymore?" I said.

"Cass! You'll always be my friend no matter what. And I kind of liked his pranks. It wasn't because of his pranks that I used to say no. It was because of his behaviour towards Severus. That's why. Otherwise..." Lily said.

"Otherwise you would have said yes a long time back I know." I said. She smiled. Siri comes to us. Nervousness is written all over his face. I wonder why he is nervous.

"Uh... Lily can I speak to Cass alone?" Sirius said. Lily nodded and went over to the rest of the marauders and James.

"I er.. wanted to ask you something." Sirius said.

"Then ask na." I said.

"Will you go to Hogsmade with me?" Sirius said. "As friends." He added quickly.

Cassandra Smith.Where stories live. Discover now