I hate you!

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It has been nine days since the incident of Sirius just appearing at the doorstep of the Potter's. Cass' nightmares are becoming bad. James thought it was because Sirius is hurt. And little does he know, he's right.

Seeing Sirius hurt Cass' nightmares are becoming strong and harder to handle. And she can't even change her appearance. Her metamorphmagus powers are not working.

James' POV.

Well Christmas wasn't the best. Cass never came out of her room. She was in there all day. I feel bad for her. She feels embarassed. I don't know why but yeah she does. She spends hours in the room where Sirius is. I'm scared. It's been nine days since Sirius has been here. And he hasn't woken up yet. What if he doesn't? I've asked mum a million times if he's ok she said he is. But I'm worried about Cass. Her birthday's coming. It's on the 1st of Jan. Yeah on new year. Usually she jumping up and down. But this time she's just... Not herself.

It's strange to be around her when she's like that. I don't like it. I go upstairs and before entering our room I see Cass sitting on her bed and holding a photo of... Her parents.

"I wish you were here. But then again everytime, everytime I ask" she chuckles. "Sorry don't ask, hope that you will come and talk to me. But I've kinda given up. I've realised that crying after you guys won't bring you guys back to what you were. And so I've given up. I never want to see you two again. Never." She says and then goes to her trunk and puts the photo at the very bottom. She then comes towards the door. It's then that she realises that I was there. For the first time in five days she smiles. But I know that this isn't her smile but yet I smile back.

"I'm going to Sirius' room. After that lets play some exploding snap. And we might even be able to work out our next prank." She says and goes to Sirius' room. She's broken from the inside. I just know it. How much ever she tries to hide it I just know she's broken.

Cass' POV.

I go to the room Sirius was in. The curtains were drawn so I opened them. I then like everyday sat next to Siri. I held his left hand. I rested my chin on it, not fully but yeah somewhat. Nine days, nine days have been over since he's come here and yet he hasn't opened his eyes.

"Hey there Siri. It's been nine days since you've been like this. Don't you think you should wake up? And as soon as you wake up and tell me exactly what your stupid mother did to you I'll kill her. But for that courage to come to me I need you to wake up. Siri you've saved my life in a way you have no clue about. Those nightmares, they stopped only because you came in my life Siri. Remember in one of our class we needed to find the star Sirius? Your my star Siri. You were right. I had already found him. Please Sirius wake up. Your not just my friend your more than that. You mean a lot to me. And if I loose you, I don't know what I will do. I mean yeah I have James and Remus and Peter, but no one will ever will be able to take your place Siri. I miss you Sirius. Please just once wake up. I can't wait any longer. Please Siri." I sighed and was about to go just when someone caught my hand.

Sirius' POV.

I feel.... So heavy? I don't know. It's just that my body... I can't do anything. I can't even open my eyes. Wait. What happened? Where am I? Wait... I think I remember. Those crucio's were terrible. Then I came to..... Ah where did I go to!!!! I can't remember! Think harder Sirius! Oh yeah.. I came to James' house and the last person I saw was.... Cass! But where am I now?

I hear the sound of curtains opening. And then feel the sunlight falling on my face. I feel someone take my hand...  Cass! How do I know it's her? Well I just know it. She rests her chin on my hand... Well not fully but yeah somewhat.

"Hey there Siri. It's been ten days since you've been like this. Don't you think you should wake up? And as soon as you wake up and tell me exactly what your stupid mother did to you I'll kill her. But for that courage to come to me I need you to wake up. Siri you've saved my life in a way you have no clue about. Those nightmares, they stopped only because you came in my life Siri. Remember in one of our class we needed to find the star Sirius? Your my star. You were right. I had already found him. Please Sirius wake up. Your not just my friend your more than that. You mean a lot to me. And if I loose you, I don't know what I will do. I mean yeah I have James and Remus and Peter, but no one will ever will be able to take your place Siri. I miss you Sirius. Please just once wake up. I can't wait any longer. Please Siri." I... I... I don't know what to say... I never knew I meant this much to Cass... Infact I thought I never meant any thing to her. I have to open my eyes and say something. I hear her sigh and then I guess she was going but I don't know what strength came into me but I held her hand. She stopped.

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