We're going to be best friends!

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It was the day that James, Sirius and Remus would get their letters. All of them were excited. And they were more excited than usual, because Cass was going with them this time. They would be leaving for Diagon Alley soon.

"Ok. So we'll be going by Floo powder. Cassandra you do know how to travel by Floo powder, don't you?" Mia said.

"Yes Mia. I know how to travel by Floo powder." Cass said.

"Ok. You and Sirius will go together. Just in case." Mia said.


They were in the book Store to buy their books. Cass was very excited. But then she tripped and the books that were there in her hand fell down and so did she. A red haired girl came to her.

"Hey there. Let me help you." She said smiling. She helped Cass gather all her book and also helped her up.

"Hi. I'm Cassandra Smith." Cass said putting her hand forward.

"I'm Lily Evans." Lily said.

"Your-" Cass started but was cut off by James.

"Your fine! Thank Merlin!" James said.

"We were so worried!" Sirius said.

"Wait. How do you know them?" Lily said behind Cass.

"Hey there Evans!" James said.

"I live with James." Cass said.

"Oh..." Lily said.

"He's told me a lot about you." Cass said.

"He has?" Lily said completely shocked.

"Yes. He has." Cass said then she turned to the boys. "I guess we got everything right?"

"Yup." Sirius said.

"Well you guys go on. I'll be with Lily." Cass said then she turned to Lily. "If that's ok with you."

"It's completely fine." Lily said smiling.

"I'll see you guys later!" Cass said and was pulled by Lily to somewhere she didn't know. After sometime, when Lily finally stopped pulling her she looked up and she realised that she was in front of the pet shop.

"My friends are in there. Come on!" Lily said and both of them entered the shop.

"There they are!" Lily said pointing at two people.

"Marelene!" Lily shouted. "Alice!"

"Lily! Your back! Who is that?" Alice said.

"This is Cassandra Smith. She's nice, although she lives with Potter." Lily said. Cass was glad that Lily didn't ask her why she was staying with James.

"Hi. I'm Alice!" Alice said.

"And I'm Marlene." Marlene said.

"I'm Cassandra but you can call me Cass or Cassie." Cass said.

"I can tell that were going to be best friends!" Lily said.


They were back home. And that was a long day of shopping. Soon they will be leaving for Hogwarts.

"That was an amazing day." Remus said as they were about to go to bed.

"Yesh. Cass, did Lily say anything about me?" James said. Sirius and Remus groaned.

"She did actually." Cass said.

"Really?" James said. Cass nodded. "What did she say?"

"She told me about how annoying you are." Cass said. "No one can be as annoying as you are."

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