! pls read !

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(once again, not an update. i apologize but pls read.)

happy new year folks! we are moving into the fifth year of this fic being published/finished. with that, an addendum - i was 15 when i wrote this.

this fic has grown up with me, throughout high school, and now into my second year of college. the love for my story has been overwhelming, and i appreciate every comment/vote/follow (and also stalk everyone's account, sorry).

i am not infallible, there are some parts i wish i had written differently but cannot change now. that's a part of life, and this chapter of my life remains open.

this is not a goodbye. it is, in fact, the opposite. in honor of the new year, the fifth year of "hey moony," i am opening it up to you. one last chapter, for posterity, chosen by those who have loved this story as much as i have.

let me know what you'd like to see, what you don't want to see, or even if you'd prefer that i don't post anything at all. marriage proposal, death scenes, canon au, etc. just let me know, and i will pick the topic that is the most wanted.

i love you. 💗

hey moony | wolfstarWhere stories live. Discover now