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"Okay, but like Jolene is a gay song."

"You're so dumb, sometimes. I love you." This entirely unprompted assertion about Dolly Parton from Sirius was so on par for his normal that Remus had no other response.

Sirius chuckled and the motion went through Remus' torso. They were cuddling on the couch, ignoring the multiple alarms from their phones, allowing the late morning sun to paint yellow-orange shapes on their hardwood floors.

The latest alarm went off, this time from Sirius's phone, who groaned and just snuggled deeper into Remus's chest. His legs were practically hanging off the edge, too long and lanky to comfortably fit. "I don't want to get up," Sirius whined, "Can't we just stay here?"

"That depends, what do you have going on today?" When Remus didn't get a response, he lightly tugged on a wayward strand of raven hair, prompting a small sigh from his boyfriend - no, husband. That will never get old. 

"Lily invited us over for dinner tonight, but until then, nothing." 

"Really? Don't you have, like, papers to grade or something?"

Sirius chuckled into Remus's chest. "Nah, I'm just gonna say they got lost. I should be nice at least once."

"What if someone worked really hard on this one?"

Sirius lifted up his head, rolling his eyes dramatically. "Babe, you remember college. Most of these papers were written at two o'clock in the morning the day it was due, subsisting off of day-old Redbull and Sparknotes." He put his chin on his hand. "I looked at one of them earlier, and the title was literally "I Would Fistfight Shakespeare in a Dennys Parking Lot for 32 Cents." And get this, the assignment wasn't on Shakespeare."

Remus's lips quirked up in a smile as he tried to suppress his laughter. "That sounds like an essay I'd like to read one day." 

"Maybe that will be my next essay. Then you can grade all the papers." Sirius laid his head back down on Remus's chest. "I'm going back to sleep."

"Hey, best of wi-"


This time, Remus was unable to hold back the absolutely ridiculous cackle. "Alright, alright, I'm done. Good night, even though it's technically the afternoon."

The room was silent for a few moments, broken only by the sound of Sirius's light snoring. Remus glanced down at the man currently crushing him with his body weight. All of this started with one drunk text, He marveled. 

Remus didn't believe he was someone who deserved a happy ending. He never thought he would have one. 

Yet, here was his happy ending, lying in his arms and snoring like a kitten.


okay pals,,,, the time has come. 

after four (yes, 4 (FOUR)) years of this fic, i am finally marking it as a complete story. sorry to say, but there will likely be no more random additions - unless it gets to like a really insane number of reads. 

alright... bye friends pls don't hate me

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