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5:21pm, Monday (two months later)

Remus's pencil had gone missing in the short amount of time he had been in the kitchen. He looked frantically all over his room.

Sirius was observing him silently from the desk chair. Remus turned towards him. "Hey, babe, have you seen-" He cut off his sentence, seeing his writing utensil holding his boyfriend's bun together.

He fought to keep the fond smile off of his face but it still broke through. Remus covered his face with his hands, turning away. "Never mind."

Sirius gave a breathy chuckle. "What?"

Remus only shook his head "no".

His boyfriend cocked his head the way a puppy would. Remus still wouldn't tell him.

Sirius had a habit of putting pencils in his hair or behind his ear and then forgetting about them. Remus found it completely, absolutely, adorable.

Leaving a befuddled Sirius on the other side of the room, Remus flopped onto his bed, plans of doing his homework entirely trashed, since he had only one pencil to his name. He didn't really mind though.

Sirius pushed himself out of the plastic chair and walked over to where Remus was laying, sprawled out on the twin-size bed.

"Moony............" He also had a habit of dragging out his boyfriend's name. "What is it?" Sirius dramatically fell onto his knees putting his elbows up on the bed.

"Nothing. You're just really cute."

"Even though I know that's not it, I'll accept the compliment."

Remus laughed. He couldn't see the look in Sirius's eyes, but let me tell you, that boy was captivated. Remus pushed up on his elbows to sit up with his back against the wall. He turned his head towards Sirius.

Sirius made the gesture for "scoot aside", and sat down in the place Remus was previously occupying.

Sirius looked at his boyfriend. Remus was looking back. They silently grinned at one another. Sirius looked down and took Remus's hand. The boys were used to this.

Sirius played with Remus's fingers. They were small and soft and pale. "You may be an art student but you're the real artwork here."

Remus made a small noise of content. This was his safe place, his favorite place, beside Sirius.

Remus's boyfriend latched their hands together. After a few moments of calm silence, Sirius started humming a familiar intro. Remus recognized it immediately, a grin appearing.

Sirius turned to Remus, an indescribable look in his eyes. He sang, "Dear Remus Lupin, what to say to you? You have my eyes, you have my whole heart, too. When you came into my world, you smiled and it melt my heart." Remus had never seen his boyfriend act so sweet, nor ever heard him sing. His voice was liquid chocolate.

"I'm dedicating every day to you,  domestic life was never quite my style. When you smile, you knock me out, I fall apart, and I thought I was so smart." Sirius resigned himself to humming the rest of the song, swaying slighting back-and-forth.

Remus hit Sirius's shoulder with his own. "How come that's the first time I've ever heard you sing?"

Sirius was looking away, flustered. "I don't really like singing in front of people."

Remus was infatuated with the boy sitting next to him. Positively head-over-heels. He was so far into the abyss, escape wasn't possible or wanted.

Remus was so lost in that boy, he didn't  even register when Sirius started talking. "-looking for earlier?"

Remus blinked the hearts out of his eyes. "Pardon?"

Sirius laughed at him. "I was asking what you were looking for earlier." Remus leaned in, as if he was going to kiss Sirius, instead reaching his arm up and pulling his pencil from his boyfriend's bun. Raven locks spilled down Sirius's shoulders, which were raising in laughter.

Remus spun the small stick between his fingers. Sirius gave him a little pout. "Do I still get a kiss?"

Remus grinned and leaned in once more. That boy was gonna be the death of him.

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