decisions, delusions

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12:58 pm, Tuesday

Remus raked his fingernails on his jeans. Should he have done that? Should he have told Sirius the truth?

Let's clarify: should he have told Sirius Black, resident "fuckboy" type, the truth?

There was nothing he could do now once the text was out there. Gone forever, like the part of his brain that controlled logic.

Remus was wearing down his already-short nails and was trying his damnedest to not bite them. It was a waiting game, watching the clock, willing the long hand to move. Right as the bell rang, Remus was going to zip off campus and contemplate his decisions. Now that Sirius knew he was here, he didn't doubt that the boy would try to find him.

The moment Remus knew who he was texting, his mind went: ABORT, ABORT, ABORT.

Why was Remus getting so worked up about this, you ask?

It wasn't as if he had had a big gay crush on the raven-haired for - oh, let's say - the past seven months. Of course not, that would be absurd. He certainly never wasted time admiring the other from afar.

It obviously wasn't because Remus thought it was absolutely heart-meltingly adorable when Sirius put his hair up. Nor was it because of the dazzling smile full of mischief and adventure.

No, it couldn't be any of those things. At all.

At least, that was what Remus liked to tell himself. He liked to believe that he was so anxious because Sirius knew he was bisexual and knew he'd probably meet him soon. Remus was kidding himself and he was well aware of it.

He resigned himself to tapping his fingers on his legs, feeling like an energy drink was coursing through his bloodstream. His professor droned on. It wasn't as if he didn't like mythology, but sometimes it's tiring having no happy endings.

The bell rang, cutting off Prof. McGongall, who hrumphed at the interruption but let the students leave. Remus was gone quicker than lightning.

He speed walked, trying to get to the bus stop without any human interaction.

Unfortunately, a yelling came from behind him. "Remus John Lupin, where you at?!" The boy in question turned around. Lo and behold, Sirius Black was standing on a bench yelling out his name, hands cupped around his mouth. Remus turned back around practically running to the bus stop.

Once in the safety of an old, unclean seat, Remus pulled his phone from his pocket.

1:12 pm, Tuesday

You really shouldn't be yelling out my name in public.


Why didn't you come talk to me?????

I had to catch a bus. It always leaves early.

It was a white lie.

did you make it?

Why did this boy have to be so nice all the time? Not to forget, caring, excitable and simply attractive?

Of course, Remus was not thinking about that. (But just between you and I, he totally was.)

Yeah, I did.


Why are you thanking me? I didn't do anything??

You cared

That's not nothing.

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