are you sure?

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4:39pm, Tuesday

Remus's nerves were in full swing as he walked into the cafe. He scanned the room for a familiar face, but didn't see Sirius. He walked all the way to the back and sat down in a booth, back to the wall. He scratched at the drying paint on his hands; he hadn't had time to wash up after art. It stained the usually pristine white, turning it black and somehow glittery (though Remus had seen no glitter in sight).

He pulled out his phone.

I'm at the Three Broomsticks, btw

Great!! I'll be there soon.


Remus was thoroughly rethinking his choices. He could always run. Leave and make up an excuse.

But chances like this don't come every day.

He decided to wait and order a cappuccino under Sirius's name, leaving the barista with some spur-of-the-moment instructions.

Remus waited in a corner booth, nibbling on a sugar-dusted pastry. The smells of the cafe were calming and his nerves were less frazzled than before. The room was hot from the heat coming from the oven.

Every time the bell above the cafe door rang, Remus feverishly glanced at it, like clockwork.

The bell chimed for what seemed to be the tenth time. Remus almost didn't look to see who it was. But this time, a dark-haired boy sauntered in, hair kissing his collarbone. He scanned the small room, as if he could pick out which one was Remus.

Remus looked at the barista, who was already looking back. Remus nodded slightly and when the barista saw the action, he called out, "Sirius!"

The boy in question was confused, face swirling with emotions. The barista called out again, "Sirius? Sirius Black?" A wrinkle of puzzlement formed between his eyebrows.

Regardless, he walked over to the bar and got his drink. Before he left to go find a seat, the server murmured words that Remus couldn't make out. Sirius nodded, smiling, and looked over towards the back of the store, towards Remus.

Remus let out a small squeak and hid his face in his phone. Every footstep of Sirius's combat boots against the tile sounded like a nail being hammered into a coffin. Remus pretended not to notice how the footfalls stopped in front of the booth he was in.

This phone buzzed in his hand.

found you

Are you sure?

Instead of texting back, Sirius sat down across the table from Remus. Sirius couldn't see the other boy's face yet, since he was hiding in his phone with his bangs covering his eyes.

"I'd say, if you were an animal you'd most definitely be a mouse, Moony." Sirius's velvety voice did something to Remus's insides. Remus had never heard it directed at him, and boy, was he relishing in it.

Remus physically shrinked as he slipped his phone into his pocket. "You aren't the first to tell me so, Starboy."

Sirius laughed, joy bright on his face. "I knew it was you." Remus was giving it his all to not blush. "Nice touch with the coffee, by the way." Sirius lifted up the cup. "The barista told me you were back here, but declined to say any more."

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