there's a difference

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Remus had easily been adopted into the small, tight-knit band of Marauders ("Marauders or murderers, did you say?" He asked James the first time they met).

James was nice, albeit sometimes obnoxious, overall more 5-year-old child than college student (but really, what's the difference?). Peter was shy, somewhat left-out and starstruck by being friends with James and Sirius.

If Remus was being honest, he sometimes felt a tang of jealousy at seeing Sirius and James so close and intimate. When he shyly brought this up with his boyfriend, Sirius smiled, cupped Remus's cheeks in his hands, and kissed him all over his face until Remus giggled.

"I may love James, but I'm in love with you. There's a difference. He's like a brother to me, my best friend, but you, you are my boyfriend and my future." Remus was on constant Blush Mode™ whenever Sirius was around.

Remus's boyfriend often serenaded him - especially when on campus, in front of large crowds. Ever since Sirius first sang to Remus, Sirius has made it his goal to sing out loud to his boyfriend at least once a week. Cheesy love songs were an expected occurrence, but try as he might, Remus always got flustered and turned into a stammering tomato.

This week it was: "He's the tear in my heart, I'm alive! He's the tear in my heart, I'm on fire. He's the tear in my heart, take me higher, than I've ever been!" It was loud and messy and sweet as hell.

The boys also managed to have a few courses together the next semester. Playing footsie underneath the tables, texting in class, sharing clandestine glances and knuckle-kisses. Their professors knew Remus was a good student, so they didn't mind the distraction in the form of Sirius. They figured that Remus might just help Sirius to stop goofing off.

The small group of Marauders, with a feisty redhead as an honorary member, wreaked havoc and mischief in their wake (which Remus usually apologized for).

But nevertheless, college life was calm. Remus had accumulated - stolen - almost all of Sirius's hoodies, but his boyfriend thought it was absolutely adorable.

One time, Remus got so mad, he threatened to cut off Sirius's hair in his sleep. Sirius learned to never use Remus's sketchpad paper for paper airplanes.

The Marauders' were all figuring out how to live as adults. That meant that sometimes it was ramen noodle three nights in a row, other times, it meant that they'd all stay up trying to pass their classes. Their little universe was full of joys, of tragedies, of photobooth kisses, of memories, of living. Life was good, and everyone marveled at their success.

They were happy, the world was happy, and that was that.

so this chapter was written because i hit 1k but before i could finish i hit 2k??? so?????? thanks so so much for reading this, it really means a lot to me

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