bad luck

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Remus turned the doorknob softly, a crisp and quiet click announcing his arrival. He peeked into the little room, smiling at his oblivious lover, too preoccupied with fixing his appearance in the small vanity to even notice Remus walking in.

Remus slipped in, silently making his way over to Sirius, who was frowning at himself in the mirror whilst messing with a bowtie. Yet, that frown promptly disappeared upon meeting eyes with Remus, replaced with a dazzling smile. Remus wrapped his arms around Sirius's chest, nuzzling into his back. "You look great, Siri."

"As do you," he smiled back, "Wait, isn't it bad luck for you to see me before the wedding?"

Remus only let out a breathy chuckle. "No, dumbass, it's bad luck if we see each other before our wedding. Not someone else's. Really, babe, why would you think that?"

The panicked look in Sirius's eyes was quickly replaced with a relieved one. "I don't know. Heard it somewhere."

"Don't believe everything Peter says," Remus admonished with a quelling look. Sirius chuckled, shaking his head. He spinned around in Remus's embrace.

"You are quite the looker, though," Sirius admired. "You sure I'm actually in your league?"

"Perfectly positive, darling." Remus leaned up and kissed the tip of his boyfriend's nose, "You are everything I have ever dreamed of, and everything I have ever wanted. Now," he muttered, leaning back, "Can I fix this for for you? You're making a mess of your tie."

Sirius sighed, looking down at the sad strip of fabric hanging around his neck. "God, yes, please. I can't seem to figure this out and Google isn't helping."

"Lucky for you, my mom used to sign me up for cotillion when I was young."

Sirius froze. "Wait, really?"

"Unfortunately, yes. She believed it would, quote-unquote, make me civilized, yet all it did was teach me how to tie ties and be queer."

Sirius smiled a wicked grin and leaned over Remus, grasping him around the waist, who was in the middle of fixing up Sirius's collar. "So what you're saying, is that I should thank debutante societies for a boyfriend."

"Precisely." Remus finished in getting Sirius's bowtie in place and smiled at his handiwork. "There we go, perfect." Sirius turned around to survey his appearance in the mirror, smiling at Remus when their gaze caught. Sirius quickly glanced at his watch, raising his eyebrows.

"The ceremony will be starting soon. I should go find James, give him a "best man" pep talk, you know, like they do in the movies." He started to leave, his long legs propelling him across the floor with ease, yet Remus's hand on his shoulder stopped him.

After quickly pulling his boyfriend in for a kiss, Remus smiled, muttering out, "I'm in love with you, you know that?" Then he pushed the Best Man out the door.

Remus followed, walking out to where the ceremony would be taking place. Many of the guests were already seated, talking amongst themselves, surrounded by the fall foliage. It was a beautiful venue - outside in the crisp autumn air, a small gazebo placed delicately next to a serene lake. It looked like it came straight out of a fairytale. Remus found his seat in the very front, next to Peter and the Potters. Their normally stoic expressions were broken with teary eyes and warm smiles. The Evans' were next to them, all with fiery hair and strikingly green eyes. Petunia nodded in Remus's direction.

A hush fell near the back, and row by row, everyone turned to see one James Potter, smile bright, nervous, and excited. He sauntered down the aisle, Sirius following not far behind. They took their places at the front, next to the officiant who was all sorts of relieved with their arrival.

Remus looked at Sirius, unsurprised to see him staring right back. He was so lost in his eyes, he almost didn't realize when Lily started heading down the aisle. Almost.

She looked radiant. A lace dress befitting her beauty, dainty little flats and understated makeup. She was like a fairy. James looked so in love with her, it was palpable from the back row.

Then the vows started, and Remus couldn't help but watch Sirius's every move. He kept imagining that this would be how he'd look at their wedding. At his wedding.

It was like a blink of the eye, a kiss, and then the two were married. Rice was thrown and the two love birds called for the chairs to be removed for the reception.

There was cake-cutting and bouquet-throwing (one of Lily's cousins caught it) and photos being taken.

And then there was Sirius. Stunning, sweet, Sirius. Laughing, crying, drinking, dancing. No matter what he did, everything was so inexplicably him. It was magic. He was magic.

Oh, god, and here he is. Locking eyes with Remus from across the floor, walking over to him without breaking eye contact, gliding through the dancing crowd. It was like seeing him for the first time all over again. It gave Remus butterflies and made him weak in the knees.

"It feels like I haven't seen you at all tonight. I'm sorry," he said, sliding his arms around Remus's waist, "How can I make it up to you?"

"You can start by asking me to dance. We'll see what happens later."

Sirius chuckled, offering his hand. "Well then, darling, care for a dance?"

Remus smiled, crinkling his eyes, "I'd love to." As he took the floor with his lover, he couldn't stop thinking. Sirius in a black suit, hair up. Springtime, maybe summer. Lavender, gold, cream. Sirius dancing. Sirius smiling. Sirius, Sirius, Sirius.

Noticing the absent and longing look in his boyfriend's eyes, Sirius asked, "What's wrong?"

And Remus, being the romantic he is, pulled his lover down and whispered into his ear, "I'm so in love with you, it hurts."


me, always:

i,,, am such a hopeless gay

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i,,, am such a hopeless gay

anyways !!!
wowie y'all this has been a Fucking Trip this lil word vomit baby is like 1 and a half years old !

and, really, thank you so much for supporting this story. i've made friends and achieved something i never thought was possible, and it's all thanks to you. it really means a lot to me, 100k reads is something i never even dreamed of. if i wasn't a stone cold bitch i'd be crying. (no, no, my eyes aren't watering it's my contacts i swear)

well, here we are.

let's crack open a cold one for the boys, the girls, and those not in that gender spectrum. i love you and wish y'all the very best, because that's exactly what y'all've done for me. (btw no i don't live in texas i just live in the west and like contractions.)

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ💕💕💕🎉🎉🎉💞💞💞💞

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